Many of the trucks on the road are built to haul shipping containers, which are standard sized.
Many of the trucks on the road are built to haul shipping containers, which are standard sized.
OK, this is another pic from the article. What does that symbolize with regards to how society sees men? Certainly not outrageous to you, amirite?
When I was in my 2o’s, I had a cute butt, perky tits and tiny waist. (But no silicone tits right under my chin.) Now I’m almost 67. After two pregnancies and a hard bout with breast cancer 18 year ago, I have a saggy ass, thick waist, poochy tummy and lopsided boobs. I still go to the gym to increase my muscle mass,…
No, Trump didn’t come out of no where. The American people made a choice between two unlikeable candidates, engaged in identity politics. The American populace created the atmosphere for Trump, for Obama, for Bush II. This lays squarely on the heads of the American people. The American populace have become…
So nobody wants to pay for music or movies and have illegally torrented/downloaded them for the last 15 years, but the line in the sand is drawn over patches?
They should make their name more descriptive. Like FAG Balls
I guess they really had a gay old time in that factory.
It’s a redneck town.
“Torchinksy’s getting too close. Activate Contingency Omega.”
I’m more upset about the idea of no more Melissa McCarthy skits.
“And anyone else glad she beat the shit out of an Ivanov clone instead of have sex with it?”
Why do I see Stark asking Mack if he wants an upgrade to the shotgun-axe.
Fawn was SO on point. Love her.
Seriously, she was awesome. When I saw the top picture, the phrase “Fawn’s hungry!” popped into my head before I realized who she was.
She was so great in that. New Girl doesn’t get credit for how funny it is and she was dynamite.
Channeling their inner Bender, I see.
Came here to say this. It’s definitely blue and black.
Apple needs to buy me a sandwich.
The sad thing is that the 911 Targa is now 100 lbs heavier than the convertible.