It may not mean much, but relay our thoughts and support to them.
It may not mean much, but relay our thoughts and support to them.
Yeah, a “girl” of 12 would probably be an ineffective military leader. A woman, however....
The only tiny grain of realistic thought I can glean from his tiny grain of a brain is that it could be considered a pre-existing medical condition. I have asthma. Easily treatable and controllable but I was told it would be considered a liability and a reason to reject me from naval service if I applied. (I was …
So he wants to alleviate traffic on one road by putting a car onto a flatter car and drive it on a different, lower road....
Wait, we can get info, pick packages, and design our car months before it’s going to hit the streets?? I thought when new cars come out, we should expect no solid information, few official pictures, and no way to figure out how we want to option it until the day they begin production, and be happy with that. Ford is…
Klinger did just fine.
They want to watch, or get railed themselves. Double down on repressed gay AND black sexual fantasies.
This video made me think of the is sketch. Fake outrage and baiting and all.
Take all the CGI wizardry that made Davy Jones’ tentacle hair awesome in Pirates of the Caribean and over lay all the CGI hair wizardry of Merida from Brave and poof, Medusa’s hair. It’s so simple!
Taylor Swift stole it better
Wade, like millions of other people, has spent years trying to win Anorak’s Game, a series of puzzles created by James Halliday, the founder of OASIS, who is presumed dead
6:13 She almost caught a water type to the head.
Sound like Niantic got savage seasoned.
Uhg...I feel gross typing that.
It looks like they’re trying to cash in on the Rick and Morty aesthetic and tone. I dig it.
“Once I went black, but you made me want to go back”
I read that as “Drive by Drunk” challenge, and that’s a whole different type of fun for kids.
Don’t disparage American Gladiators! They are heroes for a generation. In fact he should ONLY consider cars named after Gladiators. How about a lovely Malibu? Or how about a nice Gemini? He could even import a Daihatsu Sunny! A Laser perhaps? Or a Sky? A (Le) Sabre. Storm! Titan! Cyclone! Or what about a Rebel, or…
What kind of weak ass trolling was OP doing?