
What’s making my eye twitch is that we are probably going to see at least one makeup tutorial on how to get that “cool vitiligo look” that’ll to be picked up by some major website, causing the kind of well deserved meltdown that white women in Afros only dream of.

Her guest stint on New Girl was a comedy catapult. She seems everywhere now. She deserves more screen time.

I wonder how they’re going to explain Afterlife and the group run by Daisy’s mom in season 2 of Agents of Shield? If the inhuman royal family was around, they probably didn’t appreciate what they were doing at Afterlife.

It’s been 47 years* and I still laugh hard at “Hey sexy mama, wanna kill all humans?”


After she saved Mac and said it was the best moment she’d ever felt, I turned to my wife and said “Wouldn’t it be cool if she joined the team next season? Madame Hydra turns good?” A minute later, “Guess that’s out.”

Can I get one with fruit leather?

Yes. I get sad he never had a chance to be the right of center president that I wanted him to be.

With ciabatta. None of that white bread crap.

I wasn’t blowing 7 guys, I was merely among penises.

I don’t even care. Best looking 911 with 0.5 second slower 0-60? I’ll take it. Dark Blue. Red interior. Yessss.

I peel it, sorta. I cut in half, remove seed with knife twist, cut each half in half (quarters now) and, if not over ripe, you can grab the stem side of the skin and peel it downward pretty easy. If over ripe, the skin tends to crack and break. I like to do that so I don’t waste a spoon and so I have nice slices I can

Aaron Sanchez does the same thing. Annoys the crap out of me on Chopped.

Nicole Kidman is 15 year old Taylor Swift in a 49 year old body.

The Targa looks sooooo good, too.

Winnie-the-poo style beat down.

Gotcha. I thought you meant the Sedona and the Pacifica are a different class, or size, or something else that would differentiate them from the the other two, so they shouldn’t be compared.

I’d like to hear your reasons why the Pacifica shouldn’t be compared to Odyssey or Sienna? That’s a strange comment.