Worse: Chevy offers this as an option on the Silverado now.
Two slices per sandwich.
Still, that’s the kind of billion dollar business deal you don’t just word vomit out into the world.
“I think we’ll announce locations for somewhere between two and four Gigafactories later this year.Yeah, probably four,” Musk said.
What happened to NPH?? He’d be perfect!!
I totally forgot Mariah Carey had any kids. How does she mother one, let alone two, when she’s so focused on herself??
Please, someone with skillz edit this GIF to make it look like she’s flipping us off. It’ll be the best ever and oh so useful. PLEASE!
Let us enjoy a spirited game of Shpoople to calm ourselves!
I think they’re referring to Tesla as the fourth. I’ve seen it referenced as such elsewhere.
I think Burger King has a more successful launch record than North Korea.
I just do a scene with Maisie. I sing a song and then she goes, “Oh, that’s a nice song.”
I will always remember this episode for the stinger at the end of the credits. A joke had been made in the episode about how banks give out free stuff when you convert a friend to the bank and in the stinger, Dern’s character is given a toaster by the “Gays” for converting another one.
Go for it! Live yours dreeeeeaaaaams!!!
For a second, I thought you had owned 911,944 Porsches.
Nooo...I meant 2018 will be the 60th anniversary!
DANGIT!! 2018
The Mile Cry club.
There’s a horse in the demon mythology and the Challenger has pony car heritage.