
Agenda for not having overt nonsense levels of movement for breasts.. Oh NO!

“The breast physics were more subtle”, correction.

The sports bra itself should not move that way, otherwise you need a new sports bra. Also, they may sway side to side, but they don’t “roll upwards”. And at a certain size the nipple will begin pointing down if they're natural, unless the connective tissue in the curve is damaged.

Same engine, not a reskin.

It’s very common for old movies to use real modern weapons as props and add elements to them to make them look different. Everything from Aliens was that way, and similarly with Robocop.. According to some people here, it’s the case for Star Wars too.. So..

I haven’t seen it, but chances are, it’s not my thing. And chances are, it’s not yours either. “Cute girls doing cute things”.. Not my thing for sure.

I’ve seen him charge into a fight with teammates, toss it as far down the lane as he can.. I know he recently got a patch to give it ‘two seconds visible’ per 5.11: “Granted 2 seconds after cast” which is good. And there’s more clarity provided to it’s AOE zone.

I would say that the stun is very reliable, if you’re in

I’m not saying they’re impossible, certainly, I’m just saying it has the potential to make matches absurdly unfun with greater frequency than it probably should. And it simply feels so ‘cheap’ when it happens. — I’ve seen some pro players literally ‘face roll’ on webcam to win a fight with her.. She doesn’t feel

But is that the kind of champion to have in league? I think that a kit like that should be reworked. — Mana costs for champions make you have to either ‘prioiritize mana items’ or be mindful of your casts. The fact that she can toss a dagger out, and on a lucky bounce with a ‘cait’ or some ADC standing too close,

I play against her fine, the problem is anyone else playing against her, or her potential roaming. I love my skill shot and poke mid laners, but I can’t stand a kat roaming on an oblivious bot lane not listening to pings and it throwing the whole match because with that double kill early she now has the potential to

With a proper kit yes. And a team that can pay attention, which is a mixed bag in public matches. As soon as she’s fed a few teams, she nukes the ADC or even mid champions with ease... “dagger, blink, ult” — Unless you have a hard CC for that ult, you’re pretty screwed, especially if she ignites. She just spams her

She has tons of mobility which is tough to deal with but falls off heavy toward the end of a game.. Usually she gets nuked as soon as she pops in. However, I agree she is annoying, I just have less of a problem with her in pub stomps or other game types like ‘hexakill’ because people aren’t nearly as skilled. — I

He’s way strong with a ‘overstuffed kit’ as many have ‘echoed’ har-har. Anyway, the problem with her is when a individual person she is paired against can’t stop her. — If I fight her mid, 80% of the time I have no problems.. It becomes a bigger issue if she gets some pressure to push me back and allows her to roam

I honestly had no idea why it cost nothing.. I still think the AOE stun should be shrunk down.. People just knock that way behind you, you hear the audio queue, but have no idea where it’s going to land, and have about a second to hope you’re on the edge of it and pick the proper direction to dodge it. — I like how on

Just in time for Jurassic World!

I have never seen the AI act this stupid before..

Wasn’t the tribunal just a massive inbox where no one sorted through the reports, and instead it just became a ‘chat ban’ or ‘temp ban’ for exceeding a certain number of reports? Also, IS there no punishment now? Even if this ‘points out’ what they said, I didn’t see the note stating there wasn’t a relevant punishment

From my understanding, many players mute other players in order to avoid distractions. Yes, it will eliminate communication that could be potentially team building or worthwhile for personal growth with critiques that are easily digestible in that limited environment in a match. But I’m not sure it’s necessarily

Oh I’m sure, I’m just saying that banking on an enhanced version alone to increase revenue after initial release is a bit of a silly concept. Releasing multiple versions that are similar enough to be patched concurrently when need be is what likely held the ‘visually superior’ demo’d version back. Another iteration

I don’t think they used to do that as much as they just pre-rendered scenes with explicitly noting that it was not game-play. Later games have claimed “in-game” and that hasn’t been the case with the final release.