
Banking on ‘enhanced editions’ is kind of stupid from a marketing stand point. I’m willing to bet they didn’t want to niche their market by making the hardware requirements substantially higher even on ‘low’ settings. The tweaking available after optimizing the engine may be limited due to the time-frame they were

25% increased attack speed based on how many runes and at what level account? 30?

The runes and masteries system is just a means for both customization and to have attainable goals as you learn the game.

Furthermore match making insures that people are pretty equally leveled and have access to probably 85% the amount

What the hell, where did all my replies go?

Also, I got by not buying runes until I was level 24 or so, saving from 0-20. The ‘slots’ unlock up until level 30, the 30th being a quint, which is a +5-ish or so to AP, AS, or AD.. Which is ‘somewhat’ advantageous, but not a massive advantage over just playing well.

The tier 3 runes unlock at level 20?

I played this game in Alpha with a friend and neither of us were particularly interested in it. I found winning and losing to be a matter of whether or not a person knew how to AA anything or use an ability every once in a while. Also, is there no counter system for champions? It being a new game at the time left me

I just used a guide website to set-up my runes and masteries. I can generally guess, but overall it’s easier to follow a tried and true method and really, in my opinion, is hardly necessary to playing the game.

I’m an RTS lover too and I have the exact opposite opinion, lol. — League of Legends is relatively simple to learn but exceptionally tough to master. The learning curve provided by a massive amount of champions and skills makes this touger than most RTS’s I’ve gotten into. Everything from Starcraft, to DoW, to CoH,

I don’t really find team fighting or skill shots to be ‘slow paced’, but anyone who plays and RTS or TBS has no problems with this.

How much did you actually play the other mobas? It’s understandable this one is accessible, but I’m having a hard time taking people serious when they put in a ‘initial few games’ for a game with a rough learning curve, then dismiss them as ‘lesser’ when it’s obvious it has successful formulas.

“Carry yourself”, I think the ole “pull yourself up by your own boot straps” applies. Which is supposed to be nonsense. How does one ‘carry themselves’ with non-cooperative team unless they’re specifically a role that can definitively kill multiple champions on the other team. If you’re a support role as an example,

Yeah, I find his analysis odd too. I get a dragon, it roars upon it’s death notifying everyone on the map it has been slain, and then each team member on the team who took the dragon has a visual indication with an explosion of red energy with the notification a dragon has been killed. Baron does something similar..

I think most games offer a mute function.

I think it was a bit tongue in cheek.

Agreed. But I wonder, is it any different than a zigg’s ulti or any other global that requires travel time or wind-up? — Meaning, is this more a problem of people unaware of it’s potential currently? It does zone for a LONG time though.. Also, is there a consensus on where he should be played? So far I’ve seen top

If I’m not mistaken, that ‘w’ has a long animation before hitting. I also think it should be shrunk down, but it’s less of an ‘instant’ use than it is for nice set-ups and fakes.

Bard, Kalista, Vel’Koz, Cassiopeia Rework, Sion Rework, etc.. They’ve been making most of them under powered.. He just hit PBE, people should relax.

Even if your post was meant that way.. And I could see the hints of joshing in there, the article itself is very serious with it’s grandiose claims.. and ‘scoffing’ at the idea that his ‘research is questionable’ because people perceive ‘parasites’ negatively. It’s an interesting article, but it’s a little on the

It’s spread in the air through agitated cat litter.