
Time to utilize that new Ulti.

Gettin’ real tired of artists doing the ‘concave mold’ style of armor.

I’ve been watching this guys art on Facebook for the better part of 2 years. My only gripe is how often he seems to show men molesting women or women debasing themselves (even to animals). The other problem is he ‘shares/likes’ a lot of “adult entertainers” posts, and generally women depicted fairly scantily clad. I

I see, you’re right.

Reading up on some of these it looks like Riot addressed them as “patched at a later date”, things about accuracy and stuff. While these bugs are apparent here, they’re not consistent, which makes them harder to track down and fix. Also having recordings I’m sure helps, because in these cases, very

Well, good, I’m going to write you, and you can dismiss my comments and I on the other hand will waste my time on you, in hopes that if someone else is following this dialogue they can see how asinine you’re being. You sat here discussing subjective claims about preferences on ‘looks’, talked about Smite as a

Your commentary is chalked full of intellectually sluggish claptraps. These cheeky “your fanboism is certainly bizarre” comments or “it’s not SMITE’s fault”, like you’re attacking a strawman position. I am reading what you’re writing, I quoted you and asked for an explanation because it didn’t make sense in any

Strangely I never saw a ‘marked’ reply to me. I was never notified. Either way, the video may demonstrate a series of isolated instances in which this might happen, but I haven’t largely seen it as an issue in my games.

I’m curious to know your summoner name.

I’ve known of plenty of issues that show up in PBE that get

“It’s not their fault smite.. “ Ok? What did I say that prompted that? Here, “SMITE doesn’t look anything like Battlefield 4, therefore it’s 3d is shit, it’s not Battlefield’s fault that the engine is better!” — I’m not the one claiming to care about the engine nor do I see a big enough difference to claim

Loading times are a joke? Really? Takes me about, I don’t know 20 seconds to load a multiplayer match which probably includes syncing with the other 9 players. In a group of a 5 pre-made we’re usually in in about a minute or less (weakest link in the chain dynamic.)

Also, the complaints regarding the 3D models or the

The limited range of movement is a problem in MKX compared to smash for this sort of spammable move. — I’m thinking there should be an ‘overheat’ mechanic where multiple shots in a row causes the weapon to not fire, since no pro player or otherwise would ever do this it seems fair to take that potential away..

Stale-move negation?

My problem was when someone like Outworld Devourer or shadow fiend or an assassins or an ulti crazy spirit breaker, gets easy triple kills and snowballs out of control within the first 10-15 minutes of a match.. And how you actually reasonably counter that. While this ‘can’ happen in league, there are options for

Ok, now your bias is just showing.

League has a propensity for very distinct and bright colors, DOTA2 is a little more muted but the VFX are pretty distinct for casted abilities and proc’d passives or actives against the muted backgrounds. Honestly, in a team fight, it’s hard to keep track of anything in either game

They ‘did’ use that as inspiration, in fact, the name of the fatality is “sleeping bag killer”.

Without playing much of it, I will say yes. Honestly, “$20”, is that really even a question?

League feels different, but saying DOTA is better? That’s exceptionally subjective. The engine in DOTA2 is modeled after the original WC3 with turn rates and movement based off of that original model. “Looks” are also subjective, it’s grittier and higher poly, but that’s like saying ‘COD looks better than mario kart’

sounds some what trolly with the underpinnings of another moba fan. Can you actually explain what’s ‘outdated’ regarding the ‘core systems of the game itself’?

Well, it’s a good thing these mechs carry around large caliber automatic weapons, and they aren’t in some kind of open cockpit or anything.

I’m pretty confident there’s just this sense of contrarian popularity on the internet. Anyone who can bring doubt to a conversation about something that is rather neat, or exploit the sorts of ‘fears’ people may have, is usually revered for their “exposé”. — I actually find it so tired and trite nowadays. It truly is

One example that comes to mind that people were foaming at the mouth livid over was “Gary’s Mod”, when it went ‘full game’.. And now it’s a full time project with 30-people, and it’s the modders full time job. What’s the issue with that?

Looking it up, and seeing the percentages split up, they could be better, I guess.