
I actually didn’t really hear about this until I had a couple friends over the other night. What exactly is the problem with having a pay scheme for mods to make money from who dedicate a lot of time, and have those mods also be free? I’m asking because I’m obviously ignorant of whatever the issues are with what was

Robotic Minions, as in soldiers? I’m pretty sure that’s just the technological trend, same with exoskeletons. — Not sure I saw ‘drop-in’ robot tanks, but I did see robot tanks being sky lifted, which you know, they do for actual tanks. — Though they’re usually unmanned when they do a jet-parachute drop. (don’t want to

Another exclusive game on the PS4 that didn’t pan out as well as expected. Between this and The Order, I was really thinking I’d be getting the console sooner rather than later. Oddworld (for nostalgia) was another big one, but then it came out on PC and X1 anyway.

WTF it was announced way back that he was dropping on April 26th for Kombat Pack. Cool story.

Welp, I give you a fair nod for your post, not that I agree completely, but you did articulate your idea of “art” in a strict sense, fairly well.

I watched a debate between two gentlemen online about what constitutes artistic skill or the merits necessary to determine what is or is not ‘good’ art.

-One side claimed

So glad you featured his art in your post, love this guys stuff.

I just had this discussion on THIS site earlier that 3D animating wasn’t nearly as hard as 2D animating. Which just shows how they’re ignorant of the process of 3D, while maybe being aware of 2D. People don’t realize how involved 3D animations are.

I beg to differ. But that’s dependent on the fidelity in the models, the tools being used, and the skill of the artist. There’s also a lot of preliminary work that has to take place (game engine, particles, etc), and animating isn’t simple in 3D. Once you have a well structured model with high fidelity, a proper

Sorry, the dev team doesn’t care about your complaint. :(

Your first negative I disagree with seeing as how the last game had about the same amount of characters, and few studios out there produce games with this many characters unless they’re simple 2D or cellshaded. Having the variations means I don’t have to wait for another sequel to experience changes or new ideas to a

Stage brutalities! The only one so far is the Woods, but I imagine there are more hidden. I want to specifically note that ‘brutalities’ in general are a LOT closer to the original MK1-3 fatalities, and that having 100’s of these and maybe missing a couple stage fatalities isn’t so bad.

I’m waiting to see if there will

They’re still easy to do in MKX.

Have you played the game? Know that easy fatalities exist in the krypt and are otherwise earnable? Know how easy it is to do a fatality (and how incredibly tough it is to do a brutality at times). Pressing left, down, right, left, Button One (Close) isn’t hard.

But it’s not a combo, it’s a ‘cool finisher’, and you don’t require it, the button presses are easy enough. If you can’t figure those out then I’m not sure you’re even playing.

What about mentions of the secret stage brutality people found?

Actually, if you notice in a handful of scenes in the campaign and in the versus modes during the intro to the fight, he looks ‘through’ the slots of his hat. Which makes sense when he turns the brim down.

Examples of problematic variations or variations not being different enough? I’ve seen enough variety to effectively make the variations feel like new characters and that the idea is cohesive enough across enough of them it gives a ‘I don’t need to wait for an entirely different game to have this much variation in the

“Netherrealm still refuses to announce an actual date.” for Jason? Uh, Sunday..

I'm in part convinced that the nazi party would have eventually led to civil war amongst the Germans. Too great of the armed forces were non-sympathetic to the Nazi Regime or Hitler's plight, and it only worsened toward the end of the war. (The Church spoke poorly of Hitler in 'secret' and many higher ranking officers

"If you still have to demonize even the lowest ranking German soldier that fought during WW2 there is something terribly wrong with you."