
"War doesn't determine who's right only who is left" — I find the 'wrong' side to be an interesting take, especially given the Nazi party, and it's sympathizers made up a smaller portion of the armed forces than people realize. I suggest looking into Charlie Brown and Franz Stigler, and the book "A Higher Call" which

But he’s not ‘ready to be played’, he’s not complete. I don’t understand the issue with laying the framework for future characters.

This is pretty common logic, but I tend to find it to be more an appeal to popular opinion. This game, as with some of the others that have ‘code’ or sometimes ‘characters’ on the disk that are ‘partially’ developed, doesn’t mean it was intentionally left there for future DLC. It COULD mean that they attempt to

Can someone explain this one to me?

Now playing

“Weird how my Mom always just rented in bulk from multiple locations..” — I’m still having a hard time believing this. I don’t know how old he was, but I knew how this worked when I was 4-5 in the early 90’s with “Video Tyme” and other local places I got SNES cartridges from. — Furthermore, his Mom really didn’t know

I don’t know how familiar you are with playing the game, but basically when you come into an area where there aren’t pentagrams on the floor to summon a monster, your other options are to spawn ‘blobs’ (which you slowly gain enough ectoplasmic goo while floating idle outside of battle to spawn) which inhibits the

If I stare too long, it starts to trip me out too. I think it’s the lighting, or the ‘hair placement’ on the neck. — I dated a dancer/contortionist for a little bit, and she used to photograph with her knee forward and leaning back (and sunken down into her hip.. I heard this was an ‘art student’ thing), and it

Well, the ‘angle’ of the neck may be off, but standing with the shoulders back, the chest distance and the rib cage leaning backward.

I’ve seen this posture before in fashion shows and amongst models. (Especially runway models.) — It’s awkward, but not impossible.

Really? The only thing that’s bugging me is the thickness of her forearm for how small she seems to be, otherwise she seems pretty proportional for a tall and lengthy runway type. I’m actually wondering if she was taken from a stock photo.

I'm glad I still have 2 and the expansion pack. Summoning Wyrms, fire-drakes, dragons and the Balrog was one of the coolest things ever. I miss that RTS games got rid of 'general' style powers, similarly from COH (and it's expansion.) Fielding some crazy unit that you couldn't build, or doing some crazy indirect

K great, that’s fine, I’m simply saying that this video hasn’t showcased some of the more crazy stuff I personally have seen. Which is speaking from anecdote and personal testimony, if that doesn’t bother you, sure, I was simply asking for context to the play because what I saw ‘a max range grab’, is something I see a

Hmm, sorry to rain on the parade.. Without any context (which I think is important from the observer standpoint) it doesn’t look like the grab did something or stopped something. And I understand it was ‘your’ greatest pull, but if it was implied that you inhibited something from happening by watching that it would

I've done this before, it's not that surprising. I saw a really impressive thresh play near gromp where the thresh threw back a latern, when the ADC grabbed it, he flashed and grabbed the enemy ADC over the wall, and activated his death leap, pulling him and the adc a massive amount of distance into enemy territory to

I'm confused, it looked like Tristana was about to get q-bombed by Nasus, and you just happened to pull her while the animation was going? I'm not entirely sure why this was 'the greatest' grab? It didn't look like you prevented anything, it was amidst a team fight against someone standing still?

Not really here to make those comparisons, more so talking about the trend of no-nonsense armor and areas in which there could still be improvements.

Actually, high heels in their original intention were for male horse riders. (believed to originate in Persia)

Dependent on whether or not it's being used in actual combat, and whether or not the efficiency of the armor is being taken into account. Everything else that's a part of her equipment seems to be battle capable, but it's simply introducing unnecessary risk with the concave, comparative to say, the wolf head on the

And by personal taste, you mean 'my' opinion. No, that's not the case, there are facts on this matter, and I stand by those facts for breast plates.

"By YOUR LOGIC, people HAVE to watch streams.. yadda yadda" implying I'm stating it's a necessity beyond all other means and methods, that's not the case.

But if you're really wanting to improve yourself at a reasonably quick pace and avoid your skills plateauing without external means of evaluating champions.. yes,

I responded to that on another reply, but in general, while I understand that, the concave element is for show over function. And while this may primarily be decorative in design, or even purely aesthetic, much of it is actually functional. I do not retract my sentiments about the concave as it's still the weakest and