
I understand, I get my head bit off my condescending idiots all the time. I'm used to it rolling off my back and cherishing the good moments.. Like last night, where after losing 4-5 team fights, we got 2 good picks, ace'd them, and grabbed baron to push the base in a full 2 minute turn-around (we were set to lose for

That's known as the 'meta', and while it's not in-stone, it is the definitively used ascribed means of effectiveness.. It's best to get into these games with friends, or if you meet good people, stick with them! — Also, if you don't use youtube, or a site like lolking for guides, you're setting yourself up for

Fair enough, but it's important to note that the thinner portion of the armor and the concave shape would be problematic for thrusting weapons. And it doesn't look form fitting, that's a step above that style for sure, maybe more decorative.

I agree to that, decorative armor only really worked in parades and operas. BUT, that being said, some of this actually could be for moral support on the battlefield and still maintain a level of functionality. It cover the body pretty well, and the worst of it being that concave. The rest is excusable for maybe

Kyoko and Akira /swoon.

If only it didn't concave. Every women I've known to wear armor (both now) and in the past, wears such heavy padding under the plate that it literally flattens the breasts and then a plate is placed on top of that. That concave is asking for a spear to puncture it!

I essentially pretty much said what whskee said, and you're getting all butt hurt. Alright. You don't need to express any amount of understanding, just know that I know what I'm talking about, and you're kind of pulling shit out of your ass because of some semi-related anecdotal stuff. The next thing I was going to

Now playing

Uh, you realize these both fire 7.62mm at around 3,000 RPM? The length of the barrel (this is a 9-inch) wouldn't somehow lessen the 'full version' in action? The chainsaw grip, like firing from the hip, would be extremely inaccurate, which is why you don't see them carried like this.

And again:

Every time I see your videos, I realize how creepily deep your voice can get.

I also said 200lbs, I meant 20.

Now playing

FXHRepear is the top rated post, and his video features a lady doing this.

I also posted one, but I will post it here too:

For an art project that I was working on and will likely revisit, I was rolling around the math for what would be required to have a single individual who could utilize such a weapon in a target rich environment, and what the requirements would be. And to put say, the highest rate of fire at 6,000 RPM (which is a

Now playing

If you look up many videos of the 9-inch M-134 GE custom, including the scene with Arnold in Terminator 2, the gun has cables that go to an external battery pack, to what I believe is essentially a car battery.


Though contrary to the popular belief that this is a 'tank killer', the 30mm gun doesn't have the penetrating power, even composed of DU to render tanks dead via the frontal or even side armor. They may penetrate the top or rear armor, or ricochet/carrom hard ground to bounce below (what the p-51 20mm's used to do to

lol whut? You can find videos of these being fired at ranges? The M-134 GE variant, which is fired using a massive battery and ammo chute produces I believe about 200 lbs of continuous recoil. But it's sufficiently heavy, and with enough leverage, you can at least keep the barrels downrange.

"Most of the other games that could have been built on any system", do you own these other systems, I assume so, and if so, why? By that logic?

Nintendo's games, irrespective of their use of the controller (which many DO use it mind you — see: ZombiU, Zelda, Captain Toad's, Pikmin, Wonderful101 ), are all exceptionally

The good thing about 'mids getting fed' (which is contingent on particular conditions mind you) in general, is that they are UNABLE to push turrets on their own, they are squishy, and they are ineffective without proper positions or the ability to escape in team fights. So a mid being fed, while able to get out

I had a guy taunting for a majority of the match as an Ahri. He got a few kills on us, and I was playing Trundle Top. So I began roaming down to mid from Top lane (missed him a couple times) but only was assisting in holding lane and pushing it. After a few solid 'haha noobs', I told him, "you know, you're not going

I'm going to be honest, this looks REALLY close to Zelda, I don't know how they're not being sued for it's likeness?

Good 'ole Gregarious Daddy Longlegs. (Aka Harvestmen)