
Or maybe it's somehow able to muster a means of 'sailing' across electromagnetic fields.. Maybe such fields inhibit the use of any form of radar or detection beyond direct visual means, requiring open top vehicles, etc etc..

Over which aspects? Some of it was really well done, other parts, were kind of smoothed over for dramatic effect.

Open topped vehicles give you a lot more visibility, especially when dealing with something so large. What's the problem exactly? If there were environmental hazards or something that was problematic with an open top, I would see why it would be an issue? Are you suggesting it as a matter of maneuverability?

Which is sort of the early "Heart of Darkness" which I fell in love with as a kid.

And the specific context is literally amongst enclosed groups of FRIENDS who are using the terms amongst friends who at those times don't have issues because it's not SEEN as a racial slur because the linguistic use and vernacular has changed it. BUT, take someone who may not have an issue with it there, and if they

Weird, doesn't seem to be true at all. Thanks though.

You haven't read anything I've said, have you? Shut up. — According to you, as a 'white male' I can't have an opinion, thus why I was inclined to both ask them, and stop this inane banter with your simplistic-self. When did I say "I" wanted to use the word? I haven't I haven't even posted it, but I'm saying if it

To clarify, by burying, he meant similarly to other racist words that aren't used anymore but are still just as 'offensive'. He feels the word should be shelved instead of used ALL the time between people for whatever reasons and it should just be discouraged as bad language. Essentially removing it from the 'polite'

And since I've largely respected you as far as this conversation has gone, I will relay the reply I got from my buddy:

"Honestly? I despise that "my people"* feel like we have the ability to just call each other that. And it is truly ridiculous. I've seen black people call a stubborn shopping cart a nigger**. I feel

Or in any rural area in the US where things like LOS internet is required. Boy do I feel bad for my other family members..

And instead of wasting my time with you, I'm going to go ask my black friends' opinions since they seem to actually consider me worthy of having a non-biased conversation about such things. I'll let you know how that goes. I'm also curious how we should feel about my friend who was born of a interracial

You're so clearly dishonest in describing my or anyone's position on this matter, because if they don't agree with you they're obviously a horrible person. I could be 'wrong' about my position, but I'm describing it as I see it and asking why, and the only thing you're saying is 'because, and if you question me,

Actually, I'm implying that the 'power' of the word should be consistently defined, not defined as to whatever you want whenever you want.

I explicitly commented about redacting the "cop that is trusted to uphold the law equally for all parties is saying it, especially if he's saying it in the context of "I get paid to beat up n*****s." aspect because that doesn't matter according to you, right? — What's strange is that you SAY this, and yet I see it

Disagree, the speech is being used in the context of a dialogue back and forth between two irate people. Here the word's usage as both filler and self-identifying and identifying the 'white' male as "one", changes the "value" of it's use. Unless you're implying the value of the word changes with ONLY the colour of the

This guys is really quick to label, identify, or couch your position in disparaging terms or references to people commonly looked at as racist or even boorish without decorum.

Why? All these cats! :(

I don't understand how you asking the questions implicates you as being worthy of derision. You're asking a simple question because, in general, yeah you ARE ignorant to it at this point and you're looking to better understand it. I'm as confused as you are seeing how the the commentator shouted it every other

Totally disagree that it's reserved for your 'close group of friends', I get incessantly barraged by it on the daily in almost any given title, reserving people for 'muting'. However, things like 'taunting' or 'tea-bagging' is just as divisive and done with the same intent.. "Stress" in general is a scale and has a

And what's your opinion on the youtuber himself using the word? Does that change the value of it?