
I think often the intent with Motoko is to question how 'human' she actually is, because often times she isn't. But occasionally you get glimpses of human qualities that makes you wonder. — Either way, I do understand your point, stoic characters tend to work better with a sufficient foil for them, or an equal

I do this in relation to online competitive games to understand either new tactics or strategies, or enjoy the execution of a plan from the outsiders perspective as a spectator.. AS for single player games? Entertainment purpose maybe? I don't know, I usually only watch them to see what a game is about and if I should

Yeah, screw minorities!

Did the voting system take into account the likelihood that this would likely be based off of the popularity of the anime? What about the idea that some people might simply not know these characters? The best means of getting the 'badass' criteria would be with people knowledgeable of all the characters. All that

I think it's possible you have that backwards. Why is stoicism inherently male, as opposed to inherently human? The fact that you attribute certain traits to genders might simply be because they're socially embedded throughout culture to be like that. Men can be non-stoic, and women can be stoic irrespective of the

I feel like this wasn't the first time this was explained to you, but maybe it's just how incessantly people voice this as a counter-point when it doesn't make sense. What you're proposing is a false dichotomy to the example she gave, which is that women lack variation, and that men have it. She's not implying 'men

I don't think she intended #8 to be an absolute, but given the quantity of said sexualized female roles of enemies, maybe including some non-sexualized would level it out. And then you can probably shake a few more in, and consider games evenly spiced. But there's just a severe lack of 8.

Everyone once in a while if there were more female options than males, then it would probably make it equal.

Where was the option in PS4 for "Xbox Smear Campaign/Viral Trend?"

It seems pretty common for these large endeavours that result in a completely new universe to feel somewhat lacklustre. Everything from Destiny, to Titan Fall, to Order, has had this huge (marketing) build-up, and largely follows through on the 'art' look and feel, but falls flat on feeling very meaty or where we

..And unfortunately it's sort of crap. Guess a PS4 purchase won't be validated by this game.

At first I went "That's Panzer Gray", but it's not a Tiger I, though it looks close to a Panther.. but the turret isn't right, unless it's a Schmalturm .. Oh right, Tiger II.

Here's a really smart LEGO build. A tiny fully motorized remote-controlled accurate version of a WWII tank by a Polish enthusiast Sariel.

If I'm not mistaken, there is also a leveling system in place that boost your passive capabilities in certain skills. Rounding out your play style with a few buffs? At least, that's what I recall from the alpha, I haven't had a chance to play the released game yet.

I've always tried to get into flight sims, but never actually was able to commit to it. I've flown Cesna's on my Uncle's setup, but learning the take-off procedure for the black shark was a chore (especially when I originally played it, everything was in Russian, so I had to use YouTube videos). Anyway, I actually

The fact the agent interviewing 47 puts a loaded rifle on the table.. And it discharges by being 'bounced', and he has time to pull up his arm to break the chain on his cuffs.. lol, ok. This looks like a physics nightmare. I'm hoping the guys who fired those harpoons aimed at very particular points on the vehicle, and

Are you aware that league also tracks various statistics like gold earned, minions killed, turrets taken, map objectives taken (like camps and turrets), damage to buildings, damage to champions (whether or not that damage is AD or AP), wards purchased, wards placed, damage taken, damage healed?

At the end of a match, I

Exactly what I thought of.

I lol'd.

Bullet holes?