
And conversely, as an audience we're getting older. As a result life is throwing obstacles in our way and we're constantly fighting to remove them. As adults with responsibilities free time is at a premium. We're working long hours, we're looking after children, we have exams, we have houses to clean, lawns to mow,

As noted in the comments, this was a cross-post from Australia.. Even given that, I don't think a 'patch' should be necessary to play a game offline.

I heard that exact same quote from two separate people. Their stories were remarkably similar. They used to play games, now they don't. One complained about the fragmentation of PC gaming – the need to have Origin to play EA Games when he just wanted to play on Steam, issues with Ubisoft's uPlay. "How am I supposed to

The Xbox One came with 500Gb's, the Wii-U has a measily 8 to 32 GB's depending on model! — I bought an external USB (2.0 mind you) with a TB after my fourth big game was too much for the drive.

Explain the lack of consistency in the facebuttons? You select something, and it runs?

The games are both an accessible tab (the one labeled games), and can be pinned, along with the frequently accessed games grouped on the home page?

So how does that differ? Speaking from a purely, quick gratification in options,


Try the Wii-U.. Oy vey.

What's substantially different between the two interfaces that you dislike so much?

I have all of them but the PS4, mainly due to lack of titles that I want. I vowed that if Order 1886 was good, then I would hop on. But there's been no PS4 titles (at least in recent memory) that I haven't either had availible on the Xbox One or PC..

IMHO it's very remniscent of the Google Chrome tiles.. I honestly don't see a significant difference between the two beyond familiarity.

I haven't had any issues with any 'sluggishness', I launch a game, hit home button, go to a video, etc fairly quickly. What 'sluggish' issues are you talking about? — Also, I like the interface, and I prefered the original 360 interface over the PS network's just as well. — What's problematic about the tiles that

I would be really curious to see this guy work, such as a live stream or something.. He's picked up techniques along the way that aren't standard even amongst people who do art for '10 years'.. I'm wondering what they are.. Because obviously not all artists who have 10-years experience churn out this type of stuff..

After seeing the trailer in it's integrity, I retract my statement, these uber soldaten are impervious to damage and bend physics in the name of awesome visual aesthetics. Since the tail actually seems to exude a weird phyiscal 'hiccup' probably because a 'force' is acting on it in game, it makes me think the

Actually, sure it is, everything you've said is contigent on the conveyed graphic presentation. The art direction of D3 isn't 'worse', in fact it's is pretty good if you look at the artwork and concept renders. Though, that would be if I wanted to take an objective approach to a subjective topic, which is artistic

I'm pretty sure the force of that dragon making that impact would render that rider into liquified spaghetti. — Also, that tail sure is acting weird.


What's up with all this empty space? I have an MSI laptop now that I use, and I find myself wondering where the speakers are, and what's with the numpad?

Needs moar dakka.

Yeah, and Kickstarter changed their rules so this doesn't happen. Certainly a couple independent studios have done this, some '4-5' man operations. But of those, there have been loads of accomplished projects by reputable people. And if the kickstarter fails to get funded, the money is returned.

I lol'd, well done.