
Also, rarely do I find games as awesome, atompsherically as Dead Space is.. Despite people's misgivings about 2, which I don't understand myself, it felt like the transition that Alien made to Aliens.. And it felt right. It wasn't a redux, or a remake, it was it's own. And it felt good.

Honestly, Dead Space 3's weapon crafting killed my interest in the game.. Weapon crafting in games of this nature never churn out anything more than 'it's actually A,B,C' weapons in 'X,Y,Z combinations', and of those 5 or so are used because they're the most efficent.. This is a common problem in many games that

Keepin' the hate alive.


"The album features a thermo-chrome heat-sensitive CD face which appears black when first opened, but reveals a black binary code on a white background when heat is generated from the album being played.[38][39] The binary sequence translates to "exterminal.net", the address of

Which then led to the whole Year Zero online game (if you check the white disc, I believe there are numbers).. The whole online game, also incorporated hidden USB's from concert bathroom stalls that people had to deciper to get more 'hidden' information from. The internet hacking sleuths had a field day with the

Saw them for the second time in the last 8 months in Vegas. Once at the House of Blues, the second time at Planet Hollywood. Practically the same set-list, completely different stage set-up.. It was incredible, I was super happy.

lol thanks. I thought the same exact thing.

"It's dumb when gamers and fans devote themselves to corporations" thank you. I feel like I have to be 'pro-xbox' all the time because of how much hate I see for them. And I'm just trying to act neutrally to both.

Depends on which components of Gearbox you're refering to, because obviously they've made decent and respectable stuff. And the court information makes this sound super muddled in stupid political decisions by both Gearbox and Sega. — I think as time goes on, the culprits will get strung up for their decisions.

Right, I respect his right to voice himself and moderate his channel on the interweb per the rights he has. But what I don't understand is how he concerns himself with the comments, and quantifies such as being pointless or stupid when I can't help but feel the same way about his videos. I don't want to be glib and

I find it a little hypocritical to knock comments for lacking value or not "meaning anything". — Do his videos ever 'mean anything'? Because from what I've seen, it's him talking to himself, and often being fairly obnoxious and people apparently eat that up.

And I'm one of the few who actually enjoyed DoWII as a tactically impressive game. — I have tons of hours clocked on CoH (it's expansions and the mod Blitzkrieg) and Dawn of War, and Dawn of War 2.. Not to mention Homeworld 1/2 (and mods like Point Defense or others)

ok, it does look awesome in RGB, but what about the 'wind-in-hair effect' he has going on? Why does it look like it get botched and then stop completely? Are we losing some fidelity somewhere in the smaller animations?

Oh well, I was asked to torrent it a few weeks ago by a group of friends to make a drinking game out of it. Something along the lines of "drink per fallacy". So, I can get behind that.

lol - will do Serious_Tubes, will do.

The movie is full of trite and tired fallacious rhetoric that does nothing to provide evidence, it begs the question and attacks a straw man.

The arguments, mainly from ignorance (fallacy) are very poor.

That to me, is so much worse. Preying on the weak and dying to change their convinctions out of fear? — Seriously, he had to go about killing the guy to instill enough doubt to make him believe in God.

Depends on the extent of the belief and how it impacts your actions. — Don't know why you would want to see this movie, it's full of bad arguments and poor reasoning.

"atheist's religion", lul.