
I lol'd for everytime I rewatched that clip. It's hilarious how hopelessly his character is pulled into this invisible gravity well sealing his fate. He's even saying "NO" after it's already happened. I imagine that video should go viral, hopefully, if he decides to try it again, he'll get the time he wants.. in the

Well, that's currently the console I own, so cool for me I guess. Would this have been as 'boo boo' baby worthy if it was mentioned it was PS4 exclusive? I know some commentors are against exclusives in their integrity, and others against consoles.. But I'm wondering about these twitter posts and the blatantly stupid

So, a bunch of drones blow up a few suspension cables.. What caused the massive explosion in the midsection? And why not go after the tower foundation, or the upper cable, or anchorages? — For show?

When it actually started moving, I literally laughed out loud at how ridiculous it looked after looking so cool.

This begs the question, you would be getting one if it retain those exclusives?

This stinks of anti-xbox rhetoric. Is this ever going to die? I don't know how they're making the console 'less appealing', it's still a console, and will have console games. What about Ryse being availible to both makes the game on a console less appealing?


There is a dropship in this photo? Where? I see a Combine Synth Gunship, and a Combine Hunter-Chopper. — The hunter-chopper seems to be the appropriate size, it breaks apart when it dies, so the 'death' model is a portion of the center of it, but you can find videos online of people killing it in gary's mod, and the

According to LikeButtah himself, on the related Reddit montage post, he is using a standard playstation controller.

Except for the ones on PC.

Actually I'm not at all, but I'm refering to the ones who both do public relations whom answer to managers who state to the contrary of current operational goals.

I understand how that all works, but 'from the chain' it was infered there would be female characters. And it was ALSO noted, by both artists/devs that they

And thus I would state: Microsoft Exclusive

Oh right, this explanation. I understand this, but that didn't necessarily have to be THE reason, it just made it easier. The major complaint was they suggested they would add females, and then the excuse came down the pipe, and that's when everything blew up. Their excuse was that it would take too much time or money

Explain? Not sure in what way you're responding to his comment, but I am curious what Ubisoft has said that covers what he's asking?

I still find Kimchi utterly disgusting. I try it every once in a while to remember why I dislike it so much so I can stop doubting myself.

You can also compact this with the idea that they churn out games like hot cakes. Their projects aren't in developement nearly as long as some, and they have many studios with a lot of money and many capable artists. As mentioned, to ADD a character it's an insignificant cost for a studio like this with the resources

While I understand that the problem exists as a multi-fold issue.. The excuses provided by ubisoft is what kind of added fuel to this fire. Yes, we want whole strong character developement with powerful female leads. My personal issue with the way it was handled was the public statement "yes, we will have female

You seem to be confused by my sentiment, I'm actually agreeing with you. I think something got lost in translation. — Also as an aside, you don't refer to people who work on 3D models who work in rendering suites as being 'programmers', they're modelers or graphic engineers. And I actually argued that with

Not to put too fine a point on it, but Blade & Soul is blessedly free of modern anime’s most common clichés. There is no high school setting. No teenage heroes. No endless will-they-won’t-they romance. No moé-invoking characters. No harems. No tsundere, dandere, kuudere, or yandere. If you have been searching for an