You can’t “become” a Doors fan, man! You’re either born a Doors fan or you’re not!
You can’t “become” a Doors fan, man! You’re either born a Doors fan or you’re not!
Are your top 5 just the ones that got the most radio play? That’s what it feels like. ‘Peace Frog’ is waaaaay too low.
Somehow not on this list:
Nitpicking: Why do robots need sleep? Or wear human clothes? Shouldn’t AI-enhanced simulants never miss when shooting? Why do robots have facial appendages that move when they speak? Why do police cars inThailand/New Asia have Police in English? Why do they have Japanese characters in the main credits when Japan has…
Not “Apocalypse Now” but “Avatar”, and Sam Worthington did it better. Also, this movie is NOT about Artificial Intelligence at all, since the way this movie is written, simulants and robots are certainly not intelligent nor better than humans.
Just got back from seeing this. Washington and Voyles give good performances, particularly Voyles as this is her first role and she has to carry the emotional load. Hans Zimmer’s score is on point. Some of the effects are pretty sweet, mainly the non-simulant robots (the sims just look like rejects from “A.I.” and the…
How about "I'm sorry I'm not Conan. He rules while I drool."
And the “I’m sorry if” isn’t even about the complaints that people raised in the article. “I’m sorry if I embarrassed your family and friends?” Huh? How about: I’m sorry I made you, the people who work for me, feel unimportant or belittled. I’m sorry I made this workplace a stressful place to be. I’m sorry that I…
He’s always been a complete and utter knob. Right from the start. And listening to him now, on that new podcast with the 4 other late-night hosts, really drives home how truly talentless he is.
He also seems to spend more time on how this affected him than, you know, the people he was actually toxic to.
Those are all legitimate reasons to hate Jimmy Fallon.
Second one is the worst of the series and can be skipped.
That was always a ridiculous hole in the entire plan. 1. those records are digitized and obviously backed up off-site, and 2. no one houses data centers in class-A downtown office space. I don’t know if this was an oversight by the author and screenwriter, or deliberately meant to reinforce how stupid and futile the…
Another runner-up for Arkansas: Mud. Honestly, I would have chosen it over True Grit. Much of True Grit takes place in Indian Territory, which is modern day Oklahoma. Plus, as an Arkansan, I felt like it the most Arkansan movie I’ve seen.
I can’t speak for Danny boy in the photo up top, but I’ll wear a mask if I feel like I might be sick, or if I’m going to a location (say, a hospital) where there’s likely going to be a lot more people than usual who are vulnerable to infection.
Red Forman: “Dumbass.”
“Everest” gets there too.
With both a hope they won’t do it (because I’m suggesting it here) and a hope they do do* it, AV should do a rundown of “Best Trapped Character Movies.” Thinking of “All is Lost” and that Ryan Reynolds trapped in a box movie - “Burried.” I’m a half-a-sadist with some of these, caues these types of movies can make me…