Inflation adjusted dollars doesn’t show the real problem with car affordability today.
Inflation adjusted dollars doesn’t show the real problem with car affordability today.
Meanwhile, Cybertrucks brick from going through a car wash. 😂
Still terrifying that even a third look at the idiot and think “THAT dude is the guy who is best to run the country”. But then again, the only Trumpers in my family are my brother and his wife, and they are first class morons on the best of days. The first time around - OK - he talked a kind of good game. The second…
I really, truly have to believe that the polls are simply wrong that the race is this close. Surely half the population can’t possibly be THAT stupid? There is no such thing as a perfect Presidential candidate because anyone who actually wants the job is by definition insane, but Donald Trump?????? WTF?!?!
“I can come up with 50 reasons why we have to call it off and we fail as a company. I’m not dying. No one is dying under my watch - period.”
Of course it Tesla. A good businessman could make a killing. Look at how much money a bad businessman makes on it.
He literally has claimed to be left wing, but just like you he doesn’t actually understand the left/right spectrum. Obviously political affiliation wouldn’t soften a clear call to assassinate the President and VP, and the actual left wing of this country barely has any representation or power. The Dems are currently…
What’s it like being in a cult?
No, that’s exactly how I would feel regardless of political affiliation. The man is a deranged menace. . Further, it should be the purview of governments to put people into space, not some drug addled moron. He is a clear threat to democracy and should be dealt with under the purveiw of the united states penal code.
Point me to a lefty multi-billionaire who threatens personal violence against the president, and I’ll hate that guy, too.
The connections with Beijing and (alleged) private calls with Putin should have been more red flags than a May Day parade.
Musk, upon being asked to meet with the SA government...
Just tell the boards of Musk’s companies that have federal contracts that they either need to remove him completely or the US will do it for them. He’ll be out on his ass before lunch.
I’ll say it again, if you’re financing this guy by buying a Tesla, you really need to check yourself. That company doesn’t exist to me until he’s long gone.
In a recent (now deleted) tweet he wondered aloud why Joe Biden and Kamala Harris haven’t yet been assassinated.
In addition to yanking his security clearance, revoke his citizenship and deport him back to South Africa from whence he came. From there, maybe he can move on to a dictatorship more in line with his personal beliefs.
Think of these as the automotive equivalent of Crocs, ugly but comfortable. Considering what a misery box an LLV is in summer I hope they are prioritizing deployment to areas with the worst humidity.
So DeJoy got something right with these new trucks; doesn’t erase his fuckery prior to the last election. He’s gotta go.
For something as essential and utilitarian as a postal truck, it’s nice that appearance was the least important factor and they went all in on function. Hopefully, the reliability is just as good as the form factor.