
I literally LOLed at the headline

It’s more than just ugly - it doesn’t even have a consistent look to its ugliness. I’ve never see a more incoherent design; it’s all over the place.

“These performance issues should’ve been ironed out by now,” is Bethesda’s middle name.

Unity is parenting with CACI International”... umm... they’re adopting a baby?

I’d expect a comparison to Second Life in this movie. In nearly all respects, it’s the same thing, but with a larger user base and much longer lifespan. I’m curious if there are any differences in VRchat’s favor other than the obvious additional immersion provided by the first person perspective and third dimension.

So you’re saying there’s a chance

Of course it’s the work of dedicated modders. Like Bethesda themselves would ever do something this useful.

Consent, buddy. Look it up.

You definitely sound like a professional.

At least refueling should be *fast*!

“While most of the world has settled on using a hard G (“gif”), owing to the word’s spelling”

It’s not good for gaming as a whole. Microsoft has only been playing nice with consumers because they’ve competing with Sony and Nintendo. The less they feel the need to compete, the less nice they’re going to seem. It’s true of companies in general, and certainly true of Microsoft in particular.

In a weird way, it’s kind of comforting to know that Japan has its share of intellectually-challenged gamers just like the U.S.

I knew his “retirement from gaming” after the Godus fiasco was too good to be true.

Has been and continues to be super lucrative. At this point, the worst thing they could do is actually release a game.

It is 1984. I’m playing a game called Rescue on Fractalus on my Atari 800 home computer. I’m knocked out of my chair when an alien unexpectedly busts through my ship’s front windshield. I think it cannot get better than this. I am right.

They could put an overhead, destructible bar a few yards ahead of the bridge as an early warning for those not paying attention.

That picture looks like someone took the same guy and Photoshopped him in multiple times. It’s not just all men - it’s all the same type of man.


I got hooked on the recent remaster of Nier and decided, against my better judgement, to try getting all the trophies. Wow - what a painful slog. My final hours with the game will be of trying over and over to get the random drops needed to complete upgrading things.