
I read Jalopnik because they mention things like “carcinisation” in their stories.

*Sounds* like it’s time for an Audacity source fork

Trying to picture why multiple young women would work together to attack Avellone “malicously”, and why, despite this, he wants their voices to be “elevated”.

What’s Japanese for “Florida man”?

Everyone seems to have their own “if only...” response to the Maverick. They’ve all been different, though, so that’s probably good news for the Maverick, and Ford found the sweet spot that will satisfy the greatest number of people. It would be more concerning if there was any consensus on these “if only...” posts.

That list of most expensive games include the cost of marketing. If you take marketing out of the equation (which SC has relatively minimal of so far), SC is easy the most expensive game ever made so far.

“He has a huge advantage because he’s actually worked for his position, whereas I absolutely haven’t.  It’s not fair.

A Tesla would absolutely be on my shopping list if it weren’t for all the nausea-inducing stans constantly crying bloody murder ever time anything less than positive is written about the company.  No way I want to be a member of that clan.

Most people are hyper-focused on the technical issues with the game, and are ignoring or glossing over its design flaws. It’s possible, even likely, that they’ll fix the technical problems - at least on PC’s and the current consoles - but I don’t see the design flaws getting fixed. Maybe they’ll come closer to what

The expression is “chump change”, not “chunk change”.

Kia knocked it out of the park with the design on this. Specs will be interesting, but this may be the first EV I’d seriously consider.

Imagine nearly a decade passing on your project and waiting for a natural disaster to suddenly decide that deadlines are critically important.

Google has always been especially bad - going all the way back to the beginning.  They’re all about automating everything and cutting out human interaction (at least between their users and their own company), so it’s always been particularly difficult to deal with them if you have a problem.  Other tech companies

I can’t be the only one who starts laughing every time a picture of the Cyber Truck comes up.

They won’t be proprietary, but they will require specific, higher-end performance.  The cheapest drive out there will certainly not be compatible because they’ll simply be too slow.

That “at least we’re not the only ones dealing with morons” feeling.

Very bummed that, even if Tron 3 ever happens, we won’t get a Daft Punk soundtrack to go with it.  Nice to hear that there are other artists out there able to evoke a similar feeling, though!  And as a fan from the beginning, I’d love to hear someone do a bit more of a homage to the original Wendy Carlos soundtrack.

That Jeep is awesome.

If it takes a few weeks of acclamation, then, by definition, it’s not intuitive.

I was taught in grammar school in the 70's that “they” was used in cases where you wanted/need to be gender-neutral. I’m really surprised at how many people skipped this lesson.