
I know I hurt somebody’s feeling lol

I like how you were judging the “emo” kid and then go on talk about some sjw bs on people hating female gamers... You are definitely not full of shit that you pump out in this article, yep, definitely not. 

I liked wildstar and honestly they should’ve seen the signs. By the time Wildstar released, Blizzard had started the “casual” style of game play; because they realized 1% of players seeing the end game content is not a sustainable business for the game.

Certainly not garbage articles like this.

More garbage “article” from this guy, you understand it is “journalism” like yours and Polygon’s that perpetuates and enables rotten people like Jessica Price right?

Enabling bad people to further your own biased agenda, this is why I rarely stop by Kotaku anymore. 

This article is so trash... leaving out everything she did and magnifying everything else. This is why Kotaku should stick to click baiting and not actual journalism.

If you wrote this article and stand behind it 100% you are just garbage.
If your editor made you make those changes, you should have fought that.

Wait, you didn’t see this coming a mile away?

go away?

You are aware the difference between hardware and software right? The term PC master race often refers to the superior capability of the hardware and not the software. Since you didn’t, I hope you do now.

This is a terrible “article” if you can even call it that. Might as well name it “funny wow pvp video clip”; because that’s really what it is.

What exactly is pay to win about the items in the store? The cosmetics, the extra character slot or is it the material that’s being sold? Not playing the game and talking about it, is pretty much lying and having a bad “opinion”

Nope, it won’t come to Mac. It’s been out in Asian regions for at least 2 years and no Mac client was talked about then and it won’t be a possibility now.

I’m not a huge fan of the design either, but the game is pretty fun as far as the combat is concerned. So I just deal with it XD

What exactly borders on p2w in the store? The consumables that you pretty much don’t need or the cosmetic serivce? Or is it the high number of costumes that gives no stats? There is no advantages being sold in the store, unless you think the premium acct gives you extra damage for whatever reason? Ton of bandwagon

Obviously not agreeing with your opinion means people live in a basement and cannot form a coherent thought right; because liking something is wrong.