I think we know the same guy.
I think we know the same guy.
It really was.
I saw Sing Street last week and have been going on about how much I enjoyed it and it’s music. And I will always talk about how great Once is. This makes me sad because I adore Keira Knightley and Carney just sounds bitter.
I hate avocado. It tastes like flavorless mush to me and I don't understand how people eat it on everything.
White southerner here. Grits are the shit. My mom mailed me a box of grits during my semester abroad and included a note that said "Enjoy the most expensive fucking grits in the world!" I love my mama.
As a proud Jeopardy loser, this is absolutely true.
I actually did really well despite my buzzer shortcomings. But I bet it all on an incorrect answer I was convinced was correct in Final Jeopardy. At least one of the guys I was on with will probably go to the Tournament of Champions. The guy who won went onto win for four straight days, losing on the 5th.
Seriously. Jorma does things for me. Good things.
I agree completely with Michael Steele: the buzzer is a bitch. At least it was when I was a contestant earlier this year. Still, greatest experience of my life.
That is exactly what did it for me.
This. Superman is boring and I will stand by that.
Well, now I'm sad remembering Beth dying. Thanks.
Damn it! I didn't see this before I saw the friend request and I denied you. I am so sorry! Please send again! I'm the worst.
I wish this was real.
Be as creepy as you want. Try facebook.com/k8rid. If that is still a thing.
Keep trying! This was the third time I went through the audition process and I finally made it.
I'm actually really happy I didn't get an opera or classical music category now that you mention it.
I have the scars to prove it.
Pretty much. I had a friend tell me they were just "peanut butter and jealous" and I laughed like an idiot.
No, but I need to be!