
Old British sitcoms? Reruns of Saved by the Bell?

I've always hated his name.

My mom used to watch him and Joyce Meyer in the mornings before work when she went through her religious phase. Having to go to Church for the first time in my life at 12 and not being given an option really strained my relationship with her. I hated that phase and I really hated having to listen to his ministries

He was Cooter, one of the V addicted werewolves from season 3.

Shane West...whatever happened after ER? Is he still trying to make it with his band? Play me "Melt With You" on the accordion, step away from the Willis girl, find an adult role, then call me. I've still got the same number.

Hey, he was on True Blood!

Lea Michelle has a beautiful tortoise shell kitty. If it's as bad tempered as torties are known to be, she was covered in scratches about 47 seconds after that photo was taken. I miss my tortie.

Sally Field is gorgeous in that color. She looks so good.

So that's where Scumbag Cat came from...I only know the animal versions of these memes.

That's pretty much it.

I got the free sample on my phone and found all the spoilers on line. I read enough to know that I don't need to read this book. And that my sex life is and has been more exciting than in it's pages. So wait...does that make me a trail blazer now?

If I haven't seen it in person, I shouldn't be receiving photos of it. I only sext with those who I have actual sex with.

Yes! That is the unwritten rule of sexting. Also, make sure all visible tattoos are obscured.

I thoroughly enjoy sexting, I just don't want anyone other than the intended to see them, though. It's private and between two consenting adults so there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. Unless you get unsolicited dick photos from someone you aren't sexting. I liken that to digital sexual harrassment.

As a Redskins fan, I hate the Patriots. Therefore, I hate Tom Brady. And Gisele by default. They're just one of those couples who rub me the wrong way.

I have extra sensitive taste buds and they're larger than average, too. Especially the ones on the back of my tongue. My mom thought I was coming down with some horrible virus the first time she noticed them when I was around 12 and took me to the doctor for it. I'm great at guessing which spices and ingredients go

Zack Morris, I still love you.

Only 12? I saw that stuff like 20 years ago when it first aired. OMG, I'm old. It's also why I've never taken caffeine pills. Lol

Chris Hardwick did it better on Web Soup.

David Bowie and Iman are my favorite couple.