
They are amazing. I just want to bite them.

It's Brad Pitt. He's All-American, boy-next-door, attractive. A little boring. Eric Bana has a face that looks like a Renaissance sculpture, is crazy tall, and has possibly the nicest shoulders in the entertainment industry (Shoulders are my favorite part on a man). And he got his start as a comedian, which makes

I can not wait!!!!!!

I am really glad I'm not the only person to find that utterly creepy.

It was a bit of a snooze fest, to be honest. It was just me and a friend in the theater, so we were really bad. We talked, texted, Facebooked about the movie, and I actually googled Carl Jung and Sabina Spielman during the movie. There were some kind of exciting love scenes, but other than that it kind of felt like

I think it kind of depends on where you live in the US. I'm from Virginia and my mother and all my aunts and uncles were formula fed, myself, my sister, and all my cousins were formula fed. Out of the six cousins I have who gave birth, only two breast fed. A lot of people in the US, or at least that I know, see

As a Virginian, Hank's got my vote since all the other politicians in this state just seem to be playing with women's rights like balls of yarn. So why not go for the candidate that, you know, is honest about his balls of yarn?

I'm not Welsh, but I have Y Draig Goch tattooed on me because I had the most incredible experience living in Wales. I wore a daffodil proudly today. Happy St. David's Day!!!

Pekingese. If you cut their hair short, they look surprisingly like Woola.

I can't see a $ and think "S." It's impossible. And then when Principal Figgins went there on Glee, I actually cheered. It isn't just me. Lol

The only names on this list that truly bother me are Blue Ivy and Uvula. WTF?! Seriously, Uvula? As in that hanging ball thingy in the back of your throat? Ugh. I hate people.

That would require me to rant on their wall and lay into them for giving their child such a stupid name. Then I would immediately unfriend so I wouldn't have to deal with the fall out.

So...Ke$ha (Ke-dollar sign-ha) is exactly six months older than me. Noted. I will not be getting studs on my face/head for my birthday. I just want to go to Disney World and The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Seriously. Ke$ha's new face studs could probably pay for half of it.

I first noticed him in Troy. For an unknown (at the time) to catch my attention when there is a half naked Eric Bana is pretty impressive.

I take offense at the "senior portrait hair" comment. I had great hair in my senior portraits, and it looked absolutely nothing like that. I kind of miss my short hair days.

I actually cried when I found out at work today. I watched the re-runs on Nick at Nite and whatever random channel we got on our peasant vision that showed The Monkees all the time. My mom loved the fact that my sister and I adored The Monkees because they were from her childhood. To this day, if the three of us,