
I've been called the f-word approximately 5 or 6 million times since 1972. Has no effect on me.

Alright. You know what? I have to get something off my chest with SyFy:

Oh my god, they have Droogs.

You really nailed it Annalee. I was so stunned toward the end that I felt like I'd been slapped out of a hangover.

Admittedly...I'll probably be in line for the matinee showing of The Last Exorcism tomorrow. I find the idea of "fake exorcist gets pwned" to be too amazingly clever and irresistible to pass up. It's almost like Roth knows me. With that said, Hostel was just too freaken much...both for my already-low TV and film

To loosely paraphrase Pee Wee Herman, I love this show so much that I really would marry it. Truly a pleasure to watch.

@Makidian: I'll cross my fingers :)


By "infamy" you mean "my nightmares," right?

"Does your son know you fuck people at gunpoint?"

Speaking of Yugos...anybody following David Hewlett's twitter?

I will NEVER get too old for this stuff.

"rth: f y hv th nrv t sk yr lvr t shv, b prprd. t's n th lvl f "y nd t ls wght."