
He’s the best meltdown for sure, but I’m a little hung up on the “athlete” part.

In a just world, Santorum would be the village idiot, cleaning sewers and privies for food scraps in between his inevitable sentencing to the public stocks for public lewdness and drunkenness. I refuse to watch CNN because of their insistence on hiring buffoonish shills like Santorum in chase of the mythical, centrist,

If most of the people who think they are going to heaven actually end up there, that is the last place I want to be. 

Umm..this is America, David. We speak English here so I think you meant to say “The” Vegas. 

I’m really torn here. There is overwhelming evidence of him complicity, but he did say he didn’t do it.

Having two of the best teams in the league, both of which are stocked with young stars, play on a field that could very easily lead to any number of those young stars being seriously injured seems like a self-evidently bad idea.

I’m glad that the guy who belongs to a white nationalist political party doesn’t have any hard feelings.

“Perhaps it’s Trump’s negotiating style, or maybe he’s still mad he didn’t get a military parade”

Oh geez. That was national? Thanks to GODDAMN MUTHERFUCKING NEW HAMPSHIRE, we get the dumb conservative advertisements here in the Boston area, since the Boston media market includes the populated areas of New Hampshire.

Interesting comment. The only winning move is not to kinja.

Trump’s an anti-vaxxer anyway, so what are they complaining about?  These caravan guys are just bringing us germs to make us even stronger.

> “If they were in America pushing the platform that they push, they would be Republicans,” King said.

Leave it to the Browns to fire their head coach during his winningest season with the team.

Can’t argue with that logic!

In the Northern Hemisphere, sure.  But to an Australian, it's the other way around, y'see.

Plus he’s not fooling anyone with that horrendous dye job of his.

That’s 50% of the joke I was making. Look up the term “paraprosdokian.”

So Pete Carroll will call a run on 4th and 8 from his own three-yard like, but he won’t accept the findings of the 9/11 Commission?