

But hey, I’m SURE these guys would be just as quick to correct Trump if he EVER said something that was factually incorrect, right?!?

What’s so amazing about this quote is that I’ve seen several MAGA heads post the same thing, completely unironically.

“And since I’d achieved all my goals as President in one term, there was no need for a second.”

Unfortunately, that cockroach Devin Nunes still survived.

Puerto Rico shouldn’t be talking about statehood until they get some people that really know what they’re doing.

It’s pretty simple.  If he had taken a knee, it would mean he hates the troops.  Is that what you wanted?  WHY DO YOU HATE THE TROOPS?

“You’re a left-hander and so is the pitcher. If I send up a right-handed batter it’s called playing the percentages. It’s what smart managers do to win ball games.”

Yeah, but Bowling Green was done by a liberal, don’t you remember?  Check mate.

I was literally saying to my friend, “Ugh, I don’t know...I think I’d rather have Dev...(smacked out of park)”.

I stand in the shower, but turn THE TUB on.  Once that water warms up, I flip it to the shower, and it’s the temperature I want.  Am I really the only person who does this?

Its really dumb, because the Presidents Trophy banner already covers that. If a team wins a Super Bowl, they don’t put up a “Super Bowl Champions” banner to go with an NFC Champions banner and an NFC East Champions” banner (mainly because the NFC East won’t win a Super Bowl, but I digress)

I ended up screaming and swearing at my dad this summer after he stated that he wish he had been born Black because his life would have been so much easier. This is a guy who has been pulled over well over a dozen times in his life and has rarely faced consequences. Pulled over while smoking pot? Nothing. Actually ran

When you need precision decision making you can’t count on a black quarterback.”

Rape victim: I was raped.

Call me crazy, but deposing Judge might be a good start. Refusing to even have him at the hearing means they don’t really care about finding out anything. Obviously this isn’t a slam dunk in any regards, but the burden of proof is also much lower. He’s not facing jail. I like the Cosby connection, though. Know who

Good point. If we want to find out what really happened, maybe we should have some sort of federal organization investigate this!

So all the kids abused by priests whose parents didn’t call the cops (whether their kid told them or not) are all lying, right? Youre making a big assumption that her parents even knew about this. 

All these victims of Catholic priests are obviously lying, too. Why wouldn’t they or their parents report it if it really happened?!?!