This country is facing a huge epidemic. Who the hell are all these kids claiming that priests molested them decades ago? Where is the police report? Clearly they or their loving parents would have reported it back then if this had really happened!
This country is facing a huge epidemic. Who the hell are all these kids claiming that priests molested them decades ago? Where is the police report? Clearly they or their loving parents would have reported it back then if this had really happened!
I’m confused...was the water somehow NOT that deep where he was standing? Are they claiming he was kneeling down in the picture? Because that’s the only way he’s “lying”. If I want to show how deep a river is, I don’t stand on the very edge...I go to where it’s deepest.
I am the Viper. I vash and vipe the vindows!
I have full faith that the “law and order” party will absolutely punish him for breaking the law and lying under oath. I mean, if you don’t want to get booted from the Supreme Court, why don’t you just obey the law, amirite?
This is one more reason why we need to move to “ranked choice” voting across the country.
Who can forget Armstrong’s famous line, “That’s one small step for an giant leap for America. NO COLLUSION!”?
This seems familiar. White cop acts like a psychopath? Police circle the wagons. Black cop does it? “He was a diversity hire”. At least that’s what I remember when that white Australian woman got shot a year or so back by a non-white cop.
Based on the history of the department, it seems like he’s about as qualified as the rest of them.
Given the fact that the books will never be finished, I cosign this take.
Hey, now....these guys are pro-life!
To be fair, I don’t really fault him for throwing it away. It’s clear they know who you are, so who knows if it’s clean.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought the waitress was supposed to tip the bartender, not the other way around. After all, aren’t the bartenders making all the drinks for the waitresses to serve?
Well, this sucks.
And some of his best friends are Black! You’re really digging deep if you’re going to claim that DT isn’t anti-immigrant. Nearly all evidence says otherwise. Just because he chooses to marry a white, European immigrant doesn’t mean he supports immigration or immigrants in general. He’s fine with Melania getting around…
“and the president won the Republican party’s primary on an anti-immigration platform”
And he’s also trying to greatly reduce legal migration, too. That’s one of the “concessions” he’s demanding to stop the practice of locking children away in cages. Great guy!
Requesting asylum is LEGAL, asshat.
2 + 2 = 5
GOP: (starts murdering puppies)
GOP: This will deter puppies from pooping on people’s lawns.
Nearly everyone with a conscience: WHY ARE YOU MURDERING PUPPIES? STOP!
GOP: It’s really horrible that we’re murdering puppies. But it’s actually the Democrats’ fault. It’s their law.
DEMS: What are you talking about? …