
Is there any confirmation that it won’t have a third person mode? I know they are saying it’s FP but that doesn’t preclude a TP mode necessarily. I’m a bigger fan of TP modes myself but aren’t too worried about it, as I plan on getting this on PC and even if it doesn’t launch with the game proper I’m sure someone will

Well from a technical standpoint it was also just really well done (as noted by Luke Plunkett) Like the morphing of the lips, tightening of the jaw musculature and bending of the nose.

Religion causes fractures in political ideology. Catholics are anti-abortion which is typically conservative but they are anti death penalty which would be considered a liberal stance in today’s society

I think it’s an entitlement thing or something. They feel like all women should be available for them and can’t have teh gayz stealin them away.

I really want to get to the point where it’s just a given. Like Ellie is an awesome character who also happens to be gay. Finn is a cool scoundrel who happens to be black etc...

Yeah I was like, there is a difference between the act of procreation and being a couple. #NoEnforcedBreeding

To each their own I guess. I appreciate the weirdness. E3 is a show not a vidcast. They get once a year to let their hair down and fly their freak flags. I think it would be for the worse if this stuff went away.

Ubi is basically drinking Bioware’s milkshake and it’s straight up goodness. Anthem removes romance options while AC goes full Bromance (or Sismance)

it was also very poor of Kotaku to leak so much/ so little

That’s cool by me too. Avalanche are adept at making open worlds. JC3 was a bit underwhelming but Mad Max was good beyond expectation, and shared a similar presumed setting to RAGE. I do wonder then if RAGE 2 will feature a strong 3rd person mode if Avalanche is running things.

Rocket League just started taking (small) steps in this direction with chat bans becoming easier for harassers to receive. It’s not a perma ban but it’s a start and I have been enthusiastically reporting the jerks whenever I see abuse.

Doom and Wolfenstein were strong and successful single player games. Also don’t think Dishonored is DoA quite yet. If they give the reigns for Rage 2 to ID then I’m pretty comfortable w/ that. So right now I have them at about 50/50

Chrono Trigger held a place of absolute honor for me for 20 years. Sure it’s partially the time in my life I was exposed to it (11 yo first jrpg) but beyond sentimentality as others have mentioned it’s pacing is excellent. I’ve finally given my heart to Witcher 3 as my current fav, but CT will forever be enshrined as

I’m okay with the lack of creativity staying, afterall that probably encompasses a fair amount of focus group developed AAA trash. But for sure the asset theft thing has no place on the market place and maybe some type of automation can be employed to find non licensed asset use.

I don’t think Epic could or would do that. Bluehole isn’t suing them over support or aspects of UE, revoking the licesnce would be a breach of contract on Epic’s part.

Every night I hear my roomate yelling at his screen over this or that bug in PUBG. He’s not into the cartoon styling of Fortnite but is counting the days till Black Ops4 is dropping

This has actually reignited a hankering to play this game. Unfortunately it’s not one of the titles available via PSNow.

Just of note, the Street Fighter collection is also dropping on Steam.

I think you missed my point, which was specifically that this isn’t a first amendment issue at all. Valve and Steam by extension are a private platform and therefore what they decide to allow on their service isn’t subject to FA protections.

“No different than if someone made a game about raping children”