Same, DS remastered. Kinda wonder if it’s the only answer! Thinking of that or one of the many spectacle fighters available on pc.
Same, DS remastered. Kinda wonder if it’s the only answer! Thinking of that or one of the many spectacle fighters available on pc.
Not sure if quiz is rigged but I got Dark Souls Remastered which I was actually heavily considering playing this weekend beforehand lol.
Just sum it up to serious difference of opinion. I enjoyed Heavy Rain for what it was.
I will generally finish them because they are short and flashy, though lacking in substance.
I can’t speak for consoles, as I’ve been PC only for awhile, but to me that looks like the next (not full number) iteration of Frostbite. Lots of photogrammetry but not that far of from Battlefront. If it was prerendered it would have been alot more detailed imo. Not a BF fanboy just calling what I see.
Graphics wise it looks good. Like maybe they are really tweaking it to shine on HDR displays. Can’t say I’m in love with the setting, but hey at least it looks like it will have a campaign.
Maybe it’s gotten better since the service first started, but I was on a 350 symmetric pipe and wired connection so I don’t think it was a bandwidth issue. I’m also just really aware of artifacting in image quality.
I did the free trial thing with Psnow service and while I didn’t get much input lag, the video quality was kinda hinky, artifacts popping up, things not looking as clear as they would playing directly on a console.
I personally think the dude deserved a dishonorable discharge. I’ve seen air drops in the field go wrong due to unexpected winds, and the stuff falling can be really dangerous and that’s without some jacknut intentionally sabotaging stuff. I get this was just a training exercise, but dumb actions like this is how loss…
Woot! I’ve been hoping for something like this. I play on Steam but most of my friends play on Live. I was honestly considering getting an X1 just so we could party up, this is actually a money saver for me. For multiplat games crossplay needs to become an industry standard when possible.
Much of that is dependent on them splitting a line for cryptocurrency. No joke the CC craze is largely responsible for the driving up over msrp of partner brands across the board. They’ve taken tentative steps by branding some cards as mining editions but no where near the engineering support or brand awareness to…
The pc version will come. After the sales of GTA V on PC approaching half a billion not including ongoing online revenues the days of leaving pc off the list are through.
I would think they have some type of disposable insert\barrier for the foam and use a disinfectant wipe/spray for the lenses after each use. My thing those things all gotta be wired, like the rollercoaster means what 2 pc embedded in each car?
I think it has alot to do with the compositional structuring and pacing of horror games. Less so recently but during the time period mentioned most horror games where fairly action oriented. I’d be interested to see how something like Amnesia DD or Layers of Fear would translate.
Don’t even bother, reading that person’s whole post made my brain hurt... About as informed as claiming Hoover was a bastion of law enforcement.
I was just thinking between Doom,Wolfenstien and Fallout4 Beth’s has been rocking it with first person games with a strong single player focus.
Apu was never my friend... (Obscure UFC reference :p )
They released this tournement update and for whatever reason fps will drop, but I think they are patching it.
FC 5 for the bonkers, and the obligatory 10+hrs of Rocket League (performance smashing patch aside)