
“The question should be, ‘Why does the mathematical analysis disagree with the empirical evidence?’

It is fascinating. I have a tenuous connection to modern day PsyOps taking place during the Iraq War, around 2004- 05. We would take our little rhib boat on little tours of Persian Gulf delivering everything from bags of fruit to indeed adult magazines to the various fishing vessels. I wasn’t involved in the planning

It’s interesting that they are going Vita and not Switch. Switch being the new heir apparent for mobile on dedicated hardware. I wonder power wise how the Switch stacks up to the Vita and if that played any factor

So they will be expanding thier audience significantly with D2 coming to PC. I wonder if they will consider crossplay in non pvp modes or if even there it would be considered too much of an imbalance. I’ve had great experiences in crossplay in both Rocket league and Gears 4

That jives in that it tends to be older games where there were significant gameplay differences in regional releases. Though I’d add it’s not too uncommon for Japanese games to be easier than the US versions in these older releases with games like Contra and Punch Out where sometimes even the default difficulty

Personal recommendations? I’ve been a life long lover of almost almost all types of metal, but havn’t been keeping up with recent releases

Really? Now I’m interested and did like the song. I’ll pick up the album if it is as consistantly good as this track

The real irony is these people like Comstock in N. Va and the Fresno rep are Congressmen in vulnerable districts, hence the ad buy to help bolster support for tough 2018 elections. But because they are congresspeople in vulnerable districts is exactly why they didn’t vote for the bill due to worries about tough 2018

Well, Manafort’s own daughter pretty much accused of being an evil bastard who has ordered executions. No bullshit look it up.

If you want to take it that way. I didn’t say or infer that, simply provided him as fitting the definition of comedian. I don’t think it’s an exclusive term so to speak, more that he ticks most the boxes of commonly accepted characteristics of what modern society defines as a comedian.

Dave Chapelle.

JonTron is a character, Jafari is the self hating bigot.

Haha, if thats a preset that is horrific.

To be honest that looks to be more a case of a horribly created face than anything else. Almost like someone took symmetrical features and smooshed them to slightly pancake the whole thing

Mean while I am filling out the application for my new JuanTron Channel. Sneaky minority that I am.

Hearts of Stone is more emotionally impacting and the one particular segment towards the end is outstanding. With that said I have to say as a game Blood and Wine is my favorite. The setting, scope and new gameplay elements are simply amazing, offering more high quality content than many stand alone games. Oah and

Now playing

Battle Princess Madelyn! And you should too. Been hyped for this for a long time. The demo with 6 levels dropped on Steam just the other day. Love the dev’s last game (Insanity’s Blade) and love the artstyle of this Ghoul’s N Ghosts inspired game. It’s not as hard as GnG and has more exploration / secrets to it but

Now playing

Dude Robots and Mechs are on the comeback. This looks cool and in May Mech fighting game The Surge drops for PC also!

You are right, also take into account unlike Uncharted or even the witcher 3 the main charecter in Mass Effect can be player created, so they are under task of making an enormous amount of facial constructs and motions look believable on faces which they don’t know the geometry of ahead of time, let alone mo capped.

I feel bad 4u man ha. I currently have a 350Mb connection and will upgrading to a 1Gbps in April thanks to Giggle fiber. I remember the olden days even back to using a dial up modem which would screech to modulate connection. Clocking on a pick going to get a glass of juice coming back and it’s still loading. What can