In my day we just called it the Roller Rink!
And blatantly lies! Not those spin doctory half opinionated untruths, but straight up drops whoppers. To straight up lie get fact checked on the spot and just be like shrug whatever, is pretty stunning. How can anyone be okay with that? Conservative, Lib, other whatever I just don’t get how anyone can not see that…
Wow then 16 clicks a second for 17 hrs straight is pretty inhuman
Excellent! Excellent, see buddy, meme magic doesn’t just belong to the scary green molester frog.
No, nothing like that. Just a lukewarm joke about Donald Trump’s latest press conference today, where he called the people reporting to the press low life leakers, while at the same time saying that while there where leaks the reports on said leaks were fake news. Nothing against this actual person.
Yeah, I learned I guess he was doing 2 mice at the same time one in each hand, so that’s 4 buttons clicked simultaneously, unless it’s one of those 3 -5 button mice then it could be up to 10 buttons per motion. Kinda cheating but eh, it’s an amazingly useless pursuit so if it made him happy I guess.
It’s all FAKE anyway.
Nothing makes me feel like more of a man than demostrating elementary level math skills.
You made me look it up, and holy shit you are correct. Either Drunk or possibly showing some early onset Alhiezmers
I think that’s on him, those people losing thier jobs. That’s not anyone else’s fault. I don’t cheer it because that would be asinine, but I don’t feel bad for him either. Thinking it’s funny to get some poor third world guys to dance in fucking hula skirts while waving a “Death to All Jews”sign for $5 is exactly the…
Yah, not skinny necessarily. More like considering the little troll dolls as tiny
Are you serious! She’s super tiny! Like crumb relative to cake tiny! Moon to Earth tiny!
The expansions are soo worth a second play through. I also don’t really have the time to play massive games again and again, but the expansions to W3 really are almost games unto themselves and Blood and Wine is the best video game send off for a beloved charecter I’ve ever played
Man, COD prices are ridiculous! Always have been, a quick check on steam shows call of duty black ops 2, a 5 year old game, is still listed at $59.99. Interestingly enough I found a boxed copy at Target selling the pc version for $17.99
Yeah, I know it’s longer than 5 just didn’t feel like looking up the actual publishing dates for all their releases and wasn’t sure if they had reached 10 yrs or not
It’s strange as Activision and Blizzard could not be more diametrically opposed when it comes to design philosophy. One comapany iterates franchise releases on a yearly basis to the point of almost obsession, while the other will have massively popular properties goes 5+ years without a sequel
While I agree Call of Duty could use a break in the public consciousness, I don’t know if Activision could afford it. Their selection of viable franchises has slowly been whiddled down to basically COD and Destiny. A company like Ubisoft who often is creating new IP’s can afford to give Assassin’s Creed a year or 2…
You’ve hit on why there aren’t very many pro games that target 60 fps when the original doesn’t. A slight overclock on the underpowered cpu cores isn’t enough to jump titles from 30 to 60
It’s an unpopular viewpoint, but I kinda wish they would start making game for the pro (an soon to be scorpio) that target the new specs and would’nt neccescarily run on the ps4 or xbox1. Basically I’d like to see what these machine’s could do at thier fullest potential instead of being eternally hamstrung by the…