
Thanks, you are right I see the skulls now. Though when I googled team skull girls, the images that came up.... well I’ll just call them suggestive hah!

Thanks, looked them up and yep skulls not panda heads haha

There appears to be significant blowback already.

It’s just a outgrowth of whats going on in the message boards right now, where there are plenty of threads of people claiming Ark or CE destroys the other and who ever doesn’t realize it is blind. It’s almost like people can’t accept that both games can exist, (In Highlander tone) There can be only one!.

Help and Old guy out, what charecters are those dancing Panda girls representing? They are super cute, pink hair and all.

I honestly have no idea of what you are talking about. What insult? What cause? I didn’t insult you, simply corrected your obvious incorrect statement referring to the Travel Ban when obviously that has nothing to do with this particular article. I made no mention of denigrating someone who didn’t wish to read about

So... what you’re saying here is more Nintendogs!

This article and the replies are not about the Travel ban. This is about Richard Spencer and the question of how modern day Nazism should be treated.

As this was just a mock up, I’d imagine the real thing would be configurable to simple not do cursor look unless you hot keyyed it to do so. I’ve playing racing games on the vive that could be tweaked in a similar way to provide information like that integrated into the enviro, like racing from the cockpit view and

What’s amazing is while this Administration is making up attacks in an effort to demonize a people that represent close to 20% of the world’s population, there was the very real attack on the Quebec Mosque that left 6 dead not that long ago and unsurprisingly the White House has been mum on it.

Not as cool as this, but still amazingly cool is Portal Stories VR. The first time I walked through a portal to find myself up 20 ft on a platform I knew I was sold for life on the tech.

Not a bet I’d make, you’d have about 50/50 chance, not my kind of odds. The last credible polling of gamers I saw had it 38% democrat, 38% republican 24% independent or other. It probably seems like there are alot more alt right gamers than there are, with movements like gamersgate being essentially an extension of

That’s my exact point, it isn’t.

Gamers should have it down by now! How many Wolfenstien’s have there been? Hell this article and whole comments section has put me in the mood for some Wolfie New Order. Nothing like a blonde haired blue eyed Jew named BJ Blazkowicz to take the fight to fascist scum.

Nahh, there aren’t mods going through and studiously ungreying certain comments. There’s some type of list and if you have enough “quality” posts you get on it on a per website basis (in the family of sites). Outside of that, comments that are starred above a certain amount, or responded too buy one of the people on

No, it wasn’t like Spencer was a moderate conservative that got labeled a Nazi by the liberal media. He worked for, and is proud of that label.

Hi Mortal D, this is only tangentally on topic, but I’ll make up for it by reading your impressions on Wildlands :p. I was wondering if there is a handy guide/faq for doing TAY submissions. I’ve been wanting to do an article about the dissapperance of dedicated servers and what that means for the online gaming

The thing that drives me nuts is people reporting him for picking a character! I’ve come up against this just recentl, had 1 guy say he was reporting me for using a smurf account in rocket league (I wasn’t), it’s so dumb.

This has been a terrible month overall for Denuvo. First RE7 falls super quick, this leak and Just yesterday the same sceners that have been cracking their other stuff (CPY) has also just now cracked Battlefield1.