
I was trying to remember which young justice character he reminded me off?

Soo Felicity is dating Two-tone Malone?

I felt very disappointed that Raw decided to blatantly copy Talking Smack.

I really hope that KO is learning as much as possible from Chris, because he's operating on a legendary level right now.

I think she's objectively better than all the other Women in the roster. She has become increasingly better in her performance since her debut.

I just wish Roman could sell moves though. If he could do that one thing, then I think his matches would be on another level.

Charlotte hasn't lost in 14 consecutive PPVs(according to cole), so yeah, she's very clearly the chosen one.

just watched it for the first time yesterday ;)

He makes anyone he's in the ring with look good.

Sorry but Sami Zayn will not be beating Brock Lesnar,Ever.

nope she was clearly programmed to do it , as it was a voice in her head that made her do it.

Plus the "voice of god/arnold" basically told her to kill him.

Hey Reviewer, it seems that you missed the part where a "voice of god" told Dolores to shoot.

There's nothing wrong with Intricate theories.

I'm glad that nearly everyone picked up on that Botch.

I've been assuming that Kane's insertion into the Bray/Randy feud might have been WWE picking back from that time the Wyatts kidnapped Kane.

"OH MY GOD, HE KILLED KENNY"-Mauro Ranallo 2016.

The man in Black's storyline is proof that the show recognizes your opinion and is going to address it.

The he must have low aesthetic standards for his love life. Surely he could have designed a better looking version, right? at the very least, a younger version of Theresa.

interestingly, they never actually show him smoking the J.