
"Secret Service Agent Adam Hassler is still stalling Theresa. We know he
wanted to call “it” off—whatever it is—but does he even know what’s
actually happening?"

Hahaha now I wish I was. I didn't know that.

I love everything about Sasha Banks from the little I've seen of her. Watching her and Rick Flair's granddaughter(Charlotte?) reminds me of those nice Lita vs Triss feud back in the day.

Still why Caitlin, Joe was there right?

He's said it alot of times actually. He came back to kill Barry as a kid and from what I gathered it seems that their enmity had been going on for so long that for him it doesn't matter why but that he dies.

he really did.. I facepalmed so hard at that.

This was such a weak weak episode..nothing about it was remotely interesting. It seems the bloat has begun to get to this writers and the show has begun to suffer for it.

and he has refused to have surgery. Now I think he has no choice but to.

"Daniel Bryan made us cry as he relinquished the Intercontinental Championship, and stated he didn’t know if he’d ever be able to wrestle again;"

She was there too.

I think the Cliffhanger is less about us believing that the characters are dying and more of the characters themselves believing they're dying. Like Diggle this will be a line that they won't easily forgive Oliver for crossing.

A bit off topic but why don't people like Orton again?

The kids have been getting really obvious in their acting now that they're older(or am I just noticing it). Especially the younger one whose stuck in two facial expressions and one tone.

"The real mystery of this episode is why does Wilson Fisk own a whole drawer of cufflinks if he only wears one pair?"

I wouldn't be surprised if he saw Ra's and ran for his life.

I didn't read it as her dying but more as Ra's forcing Olliver to ask him for help. After all the Lazarus pit was confirmed and Merlyn's around to tell Olliver that it exists.

I think the reason she didn't answer is because she didn't worry. Felicity knows Olliver as someone whose been living that life forever not so much for Ray.

And his facial expression was priceless. Like he was a bit surprised that he'd made it

But is he angrier than Seth Bullock. Because to date I've never seen a character with such thunderously angry eyes.

But I wonder though, did the guy in the truck sort of provoke Boyd into killing him or was that inevitable from the beginning?