
Because she is being mocked.


Both incidents with Sonja were either talked about or shown on camera. Sonja and Ramona were under a table in New Port. And I remember Sonja not letting people wait in her townhouse and instead in the rain. That being said, Sonja and Ramona have both become caricatures. Sonja becomes black out drunk. Ramona really

You’re not missing anything, people are once again creating drama where none exists. There is nothing wrong with what she says in this clip.

Came here to say that! Feldstein seems super sweet in this clip but the article and headline make it sound like she’s throwing serious shade and it’s obnoxious AF.

She didn’t say she doesn’t know who “she is”. She said she doesn’t know her whatsoever, which is less Mariah and more just honest.

This kind of snark is the exact reason why Kumail seemingly no longer enjoys talking about his physical transformation. He initially seemed legitimately proud of the (truly) hard work he put in changing his physique; which is not easy to do in one’s 40s.

Um? Hi. I haven’t totally figured this out yet. Day one stuff! I know, I know. How do I easily retrieve my Public journal of the traveling pants during my morning coffee so I can screenshot that stuff for my buddies to read? WITH TOTALLY THE BEST OF INTENTIONS. Love you ladies with emotional bandwidth.

Clickbait title. I bit. Disappointed(as usual here). This should be The Missed opportunities of Whiteness. Now there’s an article! Because the reflection was poorly constructed and executed the insight of something interesting in the structure of white supremacy was missed. This went over everyone’s head.

I lived in San Diego for 20 years with no Fall. I was born in the Midwest. It was a big bummer. I tried going to Julian for an Autumn day trip, but it is a madhouse that reminds me of this article. Wall-to-wall city dwellers trying to get that rustic fix. Good pies, though, but the wait was long!

I’m pretty sure Paris had more behavioral issues than a typical teen though. They even shipped her off to that horrible abusive boarding school in Utah. The non-cynic in me would like to think that is an absolute last resort for people. I could be wrong though, maybe she was embarrassing the family name and they

Nor is the fact that it’s possible to prevent your teen daughters from leaving the house. 

As long as those two aren’t anywhere near it, I will give it a shot.

There is definitely merit to what Sarah Silverman is saying. And as a Jewish woman who runs in circles with other Jewish women, we’ve all been talking about it non-stop since the video went up yesterday.

That’s what I’m saying.  She should totally lean in to everything that happened.  Make a big show of being huge USC fans, everything.  Would be fucking hilarious as shit.  I’d watcha  reality show about their family that is just them going to every USC sporting event and cheering like crazy because it’s their

Agreed! Not a sports fan, but I have a low-level crush on the guy from his commercials. 

Whatever you think of Kim K, whenever I’ve heard her in interviews, she seems to be a reasonably nice, and somewhat charming person.

The families that go to pumpkin patches (at least here in the northwest, where everyone is supposedly white) are quite diverse. Plenty of first and second generation immigrant families from Central America, Asia, and Africa. So Thanksgiving may be sold predominantly to white folks, but fall seems beloved by everyone.

I grew up in Miami, so Fall typically means the first maybe chance of non-swamp weather, and the always merciful end to hurricane season.

But pointing at all of the activities and foods associated with fall in America and labeling them “white girl” things in 2020 doesn’t necessarily connote a hatred or disdain for them