
People would 100% spend more money to get royal crap if the royals didn’t have power and we could scramble around their palaces and see stuff up close. There would literally be more money for the guv’ment if the powers were abolished and they were merely hereditary royals.

The Swedish Royals are delightful and Princess Madeline lives in Florida! Let’s hear it for the Swedish Royals!

Because they were pretty and she was sitting down.

In the scene with the chickens she was wearing normal “We are hanging out with the chickens now” clothes. 

That army crawl did me in. <3

Theory: because they told her when and where she got to go to the doctor.

And I theorize they held the reigns that tightly for her because they were terrified of a fully grown adult American divorced black woman. They didn’t trust what she might say or do.

Your theory gets my vote. :D

Theory: Whoever asked that has convinced themselves it was an innocent question and that they were “just curious”.

My money is that he loves his family even though they aren’t great people, and wants to do what he can to still have relationships with them. So even if he hasn’t 100% forgiven them, he doesn’t want to make specific relationships worse. 

That’s exactly what I said!

I think so, too!

I remember a scene where some other older balding man was in the conversation (being talked about after he left the room, I think?) And someone said he was Erika’s type. It took a second, but she blushed and laughed and agreed he was absolutely adorable and totally her type.

I don’t think she’s a great actor, so I

I have such a strong suspicion that Megan’s “bullying” was really just the difference between the way American’s talk and British people talk, in general.

Likewise, I suspect that British diffidence made it so that they never gave her a clear outline of what she did that was read as bullying to the staff, which meant

Right? For a tale as old as time, they really did keep the spoilers protected!

Lala talking about her struggles openly is a lot different than those struggles showing up in a Dirt Bag. It’s not the content, but the choice of where and how to present that content.

Those don’t help, for sure! Perhaps, just commenting that she’s having a rough time would also have been sufficient.

She doesn’t cure him. That’s the point.

Is it me, or is specific details of someone’s pregnancy complications in poor taste for a dirt bag bullet point summery?

Nothing illegitimate in what you say: but the blogger Emily wrote some sentence or other about Americans all eating crap white Wonder Bread which is both derivative, lazy, and far from true. First of all, Wonder Bread is expensive for what it is. There is always a 99 cent a loaf version you could eat instead. :P


It’s true. Of course, nothing made in America has a reputation for quality or taste internationally.

I was thinking the guaranteed payment (I should look that up to make sure I understand it rather than just accepting it from a Jezebel comment) would have a huge impact. Less pressure to cut costs.

Our farmers have it pretty bad. We might not even be able to produce butter if they couldn’t use antibiotics to prevent