
Username/Comment synergy is off the charts

Looking at the thumnail, I first thought this was a dating site for Limp Bizkit fans.

“The key to Han Solo, kid, is that he’s secretly high all the time. Just run with that.

Incorrect. Some of us read this article only because Sean O’Neal wrote it. Seriously, you could write an article about frozen concentrated orange juice futures and not even mention Trading Places once and I’d still read it.

I like John Hodgeman’s idea to buy the Boston Celtics and rename them the Boston Whiteskins.

The question was about the budget.

He truly prefers to when you refer to him as Magnus Pater.

Cats and dogs living together?

I just upgraded to the TinFoil hat 8E, and let me tell you, I’m glad I did. It blocks transmissions from the Saucer People AND the Lizard People, is phrenologically locked so only I can use it, and, best of all, it whispers in my ear that what happened down at the docks that night wasn’t my fault, wasn’t my fault at

Altered Cabrón sounds like something Roberto Bolaño would write.

I know he did a lot of stuff that isn’t “PC” today, like goading people to murder— but let’s remember, that was a very different time.

It’s a very liberal district.

“I wish I had more protection. I wish this stuff didn’t happen. I can’t explain it to you. Yeah, I’m mad at him.”

What kind of God lets Bill O’Reilly happen to good people?

Films from the 11 century are often unfairly overlooked by today’s special effects-obsessed audiences.