
Piketty talks about how the “Brahmin Left” tribe is composed of academically minded professionals who value grades and knowledge for its own sake, and the “Merchant Right” is powered by small business owners who value business success, cunning and virility.

Total Recall came out in 1990.

Most Goyim Are Anti-Semites: News at 11

At least from this Jew’s perspective, I’m fine with Gray on this because he himself is a fellow Jew, so if that’s his artistic choice, I have no issue. Goyische directors, though? Watch yourselves. Stop casting Adam Driver just because he has a big nose, knowwhaddimean?

“Could this restoration BE any more Meiji?”

You deserve more stars for the amount of work you put in to that joke.

The way this headline is written made me think she was saying that they are physically based on Cameron’s family. Well baited, clicksters.

The Jurassic series has sucked for the last quarter-century, because it was a premise that was only sustainable for one movie and they made that movie already, it was called Jurassic Park.

Someone needs to hang a Rock Slide Warning sign beneath Adam Scott’s face, because it looks like it is slowly collapsing.

The only things that should ever be posted about billionaires:

Acorn TV? Do they still show Coffin Flop?

Take your star, you sonuvabitch.

Take your damn star

I read the last bit of the headline as “just how expensive Middle Earth is”

You should read the book Children of Time.

Wow, this will be the last release with William Hurt in it. End of an era.

Why does Matt Smith have so much face on his face? It’s unnerving.


*realizes that this trailer came out 19 years ago*

And yet Ghislaine only got 20. I guess that’s the difference between sex trafficking to the powerful and sex trafficking to yourself.