
Right? It seems like since day one, the gaming press have constantly shit on the Vita as if saying “no one has a Vita” and “the Vita has no games” isn’t a damn self-fulfilling prophecy. I love my Vita! I was playing the heck out of Crypt of the NecroDancer and TowerFall Ascension on my recent beach trip—not only on my

Right? It seems like since day one, the gaming press have constantly shit on the Vita as if saying “no one has a

As a fan of my Vita for its own sake and qualities, that's cold.

As a fan of my Vita for its own sake and qualities, that's cold.

Sooo.. Where the hell do you take the numbers? The people who signed the petition? Oh please. No one actually knows how big the exact community would be when Legacy servers releases. The petition simply showed that there’s interest. But how big the interest is in total, no one actually knows. If Blizzard reached back