It is! Dermatology actually requires some of the highest scores on our board exams and is the most competitive specialty. It’s also the highest paid field too. So if this person is in a derm residency at Vanderbilt, she’s brilliant.
It is! Dermatology actually requires some of the highest scores on our board exams and is the most competitive specialty. It’s also the highest paid field too. So if this person is in a derm residency at Vanderbilt, she’s brilliant.
Actually, dermatology is the most competitive and highly paid specialties in medicine.
This is evil. Now that there has been documented concerns raised towards unaccompanied minors that have been resettled with literal slave drivers (using children twirling back breaking labor for their handlers bringing them across the border/to pay for “their keep”) to the State Department and HHS, this is only…
As for the concern for fractures, it’s all part of what we call a bone survey. Smaller fractures may not be picked up on exam; children may describe pain (or not-if they’re very young of course) that may not get evaluated as abuse. It’s good we do bone survey (the X-ray) because it picks up on chronic abuse or…
Because treatment of jaundice (if the treatment is aggressive) may only take a day or two to reach a safe zone for the baby to then be monitored and managed at home. It’s possible that the child received aggressive phototherapy in 36-48 hours before being sent home.
Also black peds here (sorry for the repeats, but have been in the greys). Treatment for jaundice in a hospital depending on severity(and aggressiveness of treatment) would usually be a 2 day stay at most. So it is possible that the child only needed 36 to 48 hours to bring it down and is why the child is not…
I’ve seen the news in Dallas reporting that the child’s bilirubin level (the stuff that causes jaundice) was 21! Which was high enough to cause brain damage. The doctor told the family to urgently go to the hospital. The family declined and follows advice of the midwife. Im a black pediatrician myself. I would also…
Hospitalization for jaundice depending on severity, cause, risk for worsening, and how aggressive the treatment (phototherapy) is, may only be about 36-48 hours. So it’s possible that if the child was hospitalized for 36 hours or so, then the child is out.
@kyliecheung you are not medical. And jaundice is not simply a mild symptom. There is actually a lot of monitoring that deems a child’s jaundice to be mild of course depending on the cause and severity. It’s like calling a fever mild without knowing the cause. It can be a lot more complicated than this. Usually in a…
Don’t know why my post was deleted. But I am also a black pediatrician. And agree with you on your post.
As a black pediatrician, myself, I agree. It sounds like something is missing from the story. Jaundice-depending on its cause can actually be a pretty serious (or fatal). What they don’t mention is a possibility of weight loss or dehydration that could have been concerning as well. Jaundice is only a symptom.…
It’s not even just celebrity men who do this (though it’s practically normalized and idealized in this social sphere) but men altogether do this. And it really has to do with misogyny, male insecurity, and stupidly unfounded irrational fears that they’ll be pressured into having families by women closer to their age.…
Not my own personal story but given that this is a pop-culture site and being a Kpop fan, knowing the extent of extreme delusion some fans have toward their idols is scary. Watched this on YouTube this morning and it’s the spookiest craziest interview I’ve seen. Warning: incel inside.
it doesnt help me at all, given i make just above the income cut off, but still have greater than 100,000 in med school student loan debt.
Nah, not what I read into Whiggly’s post at all. The family (and dad) was white. So...
Exactly! I did tell father that I understood how frustrating it all was, but virtual options, walk-in options, nothing was able to be compromised. I certainly was not going to compromise on this kid’s health, primarily, and my license, secondarily. Certainly wasn’t worth risking my life or those of my staff over.
honestly probably a bit of both, but most likely, laziness. I did not mention, but the family that I was treating is ethnically White/Caucasian. The father’s anger was truly concerning.
I am a black pediatrician. Yesterday, I had an angry father on a phone because I would not refill his child’s medication without reevaluating the child’s condition since it is a medication that should only be used for emergencies. But the medication refills kept coming in sooner than would be deemed safe. As I tried…
As a black clinician myself, it is worthy to note here that his provider, Dr. Preston Phillips, is a black orthopedic surgeon. While most of us BIPOC in the medical community have known about the racial injustice within outcomes for black individuals. I would hope that we take this into consideration while managing…