
They all have strikingly different backgrounds. The point isn't the black people all of a sudden a written with one brushstroke, but that prison, for the most part, strips away what's integral to your personality (or perhaps that part lays dormant) and turns you into something that is fit ONLY for survival. I believe

I think the rapey scene with Louie and Pamela registered tonally strange to me because he JUST had an incident (of course not sure of the time table between Elevator 6 and Pamela 1) of screwing up the finer things of a relationship between him and Amya when he tried to force skinship and sex on her. I'd imagine that

Too many points on OITNB this season made me feel like I was watching an after-school special. Most of the scenes had the cadence of an almost-musical. Surprised they don't ever break into a "Hard knock Life" choreographed number.

I have. Particularly for House of Cards season 2 and Hannibal season 1. I was so disoriented afterwards. Never again.

kinda disappointed at the lack of comparison between NuLester and NuDisqus. They've somehow both made themselves shittier with a flashy redesign. It should be noted that I wanted to post this last night, but NuDisqus was down. Classic NuLester.

It makes sense "" stands for oser. Who would want a ring with a big "" on it? Might as we just be the Texans.

I feared so, but I'm glad that didn't happen. I don't really see how it would fit into the story at this point. He has no reason to go that far on screwing his brother's life; at least pinning a crime on him was enough. And, I'm happy that the writers (so far) have left Chazz's wife with some dignity. I'm also sure

Exactly, which is why it was surprising that Malvo can move around so freely. And so many people have seen him before, I'm sure if an investigation was conducted, they'd have done plenty to the point that he couldn't just show up at Las Vegas casinos and cavort merrily in public without being jumped by a few million

Hmong can be a lot of ethnicities. Most Hmong I know are actually Korean.

Well… yes. Besides the marrying the secretary at his firm who we've seen on a couple of occasions (back in the first few epis, she makes Lester some chili after his wife died; in the office scene, we are hinted at a furthering of their "relationship" when she comes on to him before and after his altercation with the

I nearly thought Lester was going to collapse upon seeing him. That scene, coupled with Lester's look of incredulity and trembling fear at recognizing Malvo was terrific!

Damn. Why does NuLester just have to be so fine (It's the best Martin's looked since ever, actually)?! I do feel a bit guilty for seeing him happy with Linda. But, argh, I really just want to see him pay for ruining his brother and his family's life.

He was actually smoother than John Watson as NuLester.

hammered his own wife

The musical score for this show is so darling.

Me too!

New Girl? Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?

I kinda always wanted a Fantasia like production of the Book of Revelation. Just image after image, scene after scene without much narration, no modern day contextualization. I think the entire Book in itself would just be visually stunning to portray.

Its just going to be a giant laser tag room and you know it.

Eh. I expected a dressed up production of Annie, considering Jay Z was involved with the great gatsby and all. Where's the pomp and fanfare of a brilliant musical?