
roofied and date raped? No. He most likely only gave her a sleeping aid. In the morning, she wakes up and shares sweet kisses with him. You don't wake up and share sweet kisses with someone who roofied and date-raped you.

It was a slow grind indeed.

But I wonder why he respected her so much. That she found him out? Bev also found him out. He didn't keep her in a giant pot :(

Sure, but I get where @Ra_gout:disqus's coming from. The detail in this show is amazing. So certain things, to those of us interested in certain fields, pick up on things like that. It's silly to assume the show "has gone down hill" because of it. But, meh. My nitpicks are with the medical jargon, the psychobabble,

Shout out to Lady Murasaki's armor!

Really? I thought it was food served in a pot with a lid or something.

Five? Hmm…. We already had Hannibal and Alana.

They kinda kissed like Disney characters. There was like no lustful passion in it. I mean, seriously, I was expecting Hannibal to be all over her like she was a lollipop or something. And also half expecting a simulated eat-out scene. Which would make sense for him, be pleasurable for her, and just be hot in all the

They honed in so much on her face while she "slept" I swear she was going to go doll-eyes on us once Hannibal left the room. But she was drugged to some effect. However, I think she knows something. She's a psychiatrist, she knows how to play mind-tricks. AND HOW TO TURN TRICKS TOO!

OHHHHH MY GOD This episode.

Clyde!!! Soo much Clyde. They knew we were deprived.

LOL! This whole ordeal is so awkward, I really couldn't bear to read all of the texts. Truly secondhand embarrassment all round.

Hahaha! He looks like a Disney prince here.

As for your last comment, I think that's the point. Hannibal is NOT God, but he sure likes to try His shoes on for size. He's never been omnipotent (I imagine being a seasoned serial killer could generally make the job of killing many people easier…), but he has been very calculating and precise in his estimations of

C.S. Lewis' the Problem of Pain and Stronger by Steven Furtick. Followed by House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski.

aren't all brutal blood feuds just glorified popularity contests? asking history…

Hannibal > True Detective > Breaking Bad > Enlightened > Mad Men > The Americans > other stuff > Orange is the New Black (not even sure I really like OITNB, it's really just OK in my opinion).

Season 1 is available for free (for amazon prime users) on Roku and the amazon site of course. That's how I watched all of it a few weekends ago.

Watched The Hunt with Mads Mikkelson last night on Netflix. I'm on a Hannibal high right now and couldn't see myself watching any of Hugh Dancy's old stuff thats available on Netflix, particularly not Daniel Deronda. Anywho, The Hunt was a great film. Frustrating as all get out, but even though I'll be a practicing

I'm sure he's reaping all the animus via his multi vascular infarctions he's been having lately. I've never understood irrational internet hate.