
Haha! He does have his ways.

its strange. on all things involving katrina, I become disinterested instantly. I guess it's because her entire being is an amped up flashback with a few magic tricks at this point. Firstly, I hate prolonged flashbacks while stuff is supposed to be progressing rapidly into chaos and doom. Secondly, most of the shit

On Ichabbie, I think they'd make some amazing sexytime. That's all. And its not my fault my thoughts go there when Mison looks like he wants to devour Beharie when he glances at her sometimes. He just really needs to tone down his eye power. whew… is it getting hot in here, or is it just me? *fans self*

you bring up a great suggestion. I was thinking about how the Parrish was delivering some of his lines, somehow indicating to me that he's done this shit before. He almost sounded tired "yes yes, I guess my purpose is to help you guys.". I know his power and "experience" may be passed down from different generations

the construing of Revelation that the writers went with for the purposes of this show makes it the "traditional" one for the priest to endorse. I don't really understand this one all too well, because two witnesses that fight off the bad guys and prevent the end of the world is not what happens in any theoretical

well, my hope for the whole daughter thing is that this impending doom finally becomes a big deal and the fight moves somewhere big scale. Like, NYC. So far, the magnitude of the end of days as contrived in this story, seems a little too localized to Sleepy Hollow. It makes me feel like I'm watching "Halloweentown

Loved that exchange! But I don't understand how Ichabod STILL hasn't seemed to have found anything in the future to be good fun. While I'm glad that the show doesn't do the all too obvious man from another dimension trope, I still would have like to see his initial reaction to tv's. I wish they had a running online

well she did disapparate herself over to the safe house. maybe she apparated to Europe? The question is if she had a license to do so from the Department of Magical Transportation. Thus, the Ministry of Magic would have to be consulted first.

Also, I think the first created man of God was Adam… not a Golem. It makes no sense Abbie would have learned that in Sunday school. Like, did she go to a Church that used Washington's Bible? Because mine starts with Genesis. And there aren't any Golems in it. I really don't understand what the writers are trying to

I was just about to say this, but I have no idea where a golem would have come from. it's not Christian folklore either. It's like referencing Psalm 40:2 saying David wrote; "He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand." as a reference to

"She's pretty but not Hollywood Pretty"

Thanks for reviewing Todd! I am glad I jumped on the show when I did. I know it's not the MOST accurate portrayal of the political realm of Denmark, but I really enjoyed taking a peek into a different style of governance and an interesting bunch of people on the other side of the globe, I suppose I don't consider on

I really liked the idea of having Frozen being a story about Inuit communities. There are a lot of different ventures they could explore.

not really. once scrubbed into an operation you can't touch anything except the pt and the instruments being used to operate. if someone has issues with glasses, they have to be taken off or readjusted by someone who has not touched the operating field and is sanitary. you can't wear jewelry or have anything hanging

This entire episode was basically a gigantic dramatization of the phrase "I'm not racist, but…" and then fills in the blanks with lols on stereotypes and notions against different ethnic groups. I thought it was hardly funny. They answer a race question thrown at them with socioeconomics… and the situation is relieved?

oh you are sadly mistaken. it can get pretty funny. people are usually asleep during surgery when sometimes there are the biggest laughs. but most people in medicine I know have a great time, and are very funny people. i dont know if it comes with training in medicine in new orleans where we are a generally laid back

as a black female growing up, I got this all the time from fellow blacks. being accused of "talking white", "liking white things" (like literature, traveling, video games, rock music, not speaking/understanding ebonics, and to my aghast, not having a 1st degree relative in jail), etc. it simply comes down to a

its about diversity, not to be too on the nose here, but its about black. male. actors. on tv. minorities shouldn't be looped all into one mass of "other color" for the sake of one article on strides being made towards underrepresented ethnicity on tv.

B-? This was one of the show's strongest episodes, or at least the best one this season. I enjoyed this episode because all of the plots were just too realistic. The realism of traversing platonic relationships, the agony of flirting through text, defining relationships and their motivators, jealousy, overshadowed

Amazing that Dakota looks JUST like Alexis Bledel in that shot. Actually, they both seem to be styled as how Matt Bomer and Alexis Bledel are usually. That dude even has his coif.