
It is a rational choice, from a purely profit-motivated standpoint. The plain fact is that most consumers of Acti-Blizz products likely have no idea this is happening in the first place—and of those who do, only a small percentage will actually give enough of a shit to do something about it.

A rational choice, however,

Thanks for your useless reply then

Who is saying Blizzard “doesn’t have the right”? Where are the people you are supposedly arguing against? I scrolled way down past a dozen other comment threads to find one person who even used the words “free” and “speech” kind of near each other, and they’re not making the point you’re arguing against. Don’t be the

Maybe your definition of the matter is not at all necessary and we can and should admit that these specific fine print terms and condition of one organization are “bad”?

Your argument would have a stronger position if it weren't for the "sole discretion" line. When a private entity uses such a line, they're admitting there are no hard lines. The rules are malleable thanks to that line, and therefore inconsistent, unreliable, and users can't trust what behavior is and isn't against the

They most certainly have that right.

He should be able to joke about whatever he wants and you can whinge and moan about whatever you want.

Just to be clear: you associate “free speech” with being a mook?

This makes my brain hurt because it’s so stupid. Draw a Venn diagram. The center circle contains the interests of all humans: food, water, shelter, and clothes. Draw a second circle that contains the interests of people who are liberal. Draw a third circle contains the interests of people who are moderate. Draw a fourt

Frankly, you’re wrong about him and his fanbase. Referencing a few scandals out of context doesn’t mean you can cast 100 million people as alt right or anti semetic.

That’s about the best response Epic could’ve delivered, honestly; and good on both them and Mr. Hillman for having a sense of humor about the whole thing!

When students are messing with their phones in my classes, I generally let them have at it unless they’re creating a distraction for others. When that happens, I’ll

I like the feeling in Volskaya when I’m the only one who goes after the long, hanging draperies in the library (offense spawn). I bet I’ve smashed more chairs, there, than arcade consoles in Hanamura, too.

You are correctly understanding that free first-person movement in VR is uncommon and carries a significant risk of making the user sick if the game is badly designed, the tech running the game is lacking or if the player just has a low tolerance for the experience. Cost of VR aside, it is indeed the most significant

This is before your time. This is 90s high school maybe EARLY 00s. Back when people still used AOL and dialup.

The world of Dungeons & Dragons character generators and vast and full of delights. WhoTheFuckIsMyDnDCharacter.com takes the cake: “SASSY DRAGONBORN ROGUE FROM A THRIVING SEAPORT TOWN WHO SUFFERS FROM CRIPPLING STAGE-FRIGHT.”