
Very, very true.

It was an odd choice. And don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed Frank. I just thought his hero-ing up in the last episode was a strange choice that didn't work for the show.

And I get the comic book thing! I think the problem for me is how 'realistic' the tv show has tried to be. They bring up the issues with killing people, and how even people who seem okay could be secret killers and, if so, they get whacked. Plus, I mean, they've showed Frank raining bullets down, hardly the work of an

I did think it was funny that the armor guy was like yes, I built this armor to keep my girl completely safe and then there were gaps ahahah

It was well done, but I feel really shitty for whichever woman they throw Matt with next season (probably Karen, lbr) because Matt straight up chose Elektra and we're all gonna know she's the second choice, which… ouch.

The music/editing definitely made it seem positive.

The fact that they went with 'the guy who murders people is a hero because he kills bad people!' was such bullshit. Characters like Frank are fine! Even characters like Karen who apologize for their behavior are okay! People like that exist! But writing a story where a murderer is glamorized by the narrative is widely

Any kind of explanation at all would have made me care.

Maybe the point is that Matt is kind of crappy friend AND a crappy vigilante? (I don't think that's the point they were going for, though.)

Matt's acceptance/head nod of approval at Frank headshotting ninjas was the final nail in the coffin for the shows attempt at discourse between killing and not killing. And it makes it really hard to have Frank come back and have tension w/ Matt over this issue because Matt has given him the okay now and to go back on

Random police woman Karen!

For real, he showed up and I was like aw yeah, minigun action, maybe this fight is going to go somewhere but instead he just…sniped a few ninjas? And was then like, eh, w/e???

Yeah, I'm happier just ignoring the last couple of episodes and everything about the Hand.

They are incredibly adorable

I mean, no one involved in that trial seemed particularly competent, so I wouldn't rely on the charges.

Yeah, it's hard to worry about something with absolutely no clue why it should be a concern.

Eh, despite season twos problems (and it does have some), I personally still enjoyed it more than season one, which I felt went further off the deep end in the back half.

Besides something ~traumatic~ happening with her brother.

I think I'm one of the few around here who like Karen, but the entire reporter plotline is just SO poorly carried out. Especially because it goes from her doing research stuff to suddenly being a writer…because? The fact that the timeline for this season makes as little sense as the giant ninja hole doesn't help. How
