
Rumour has it he’s more into guys than gals. This is a HUGE rumour on gay sites and other places.

He’s a cult leader.

Literally nothing. Flawless.

Also she is brilliant and politically active and engaged and wonderful and also tweets like a combination of your grandma and your 14 year old cousin. <3 <3

A fucking white button down that doesn’t immediately pop open at my boobs.

They’re planning to overthrow us! This is the biggest threat we’ve ever faced. Quick.....

So, I guess Jesus attends orgies? I feel a little ashamed.. I’ve never been invited to a orgy and yet the virtuos son of God has.. Time to go to church!


72%????? Holy shit.

Rihanna is so jealous right now.

They hide their secrets in their necks. That’s why they’re so big.

I also found this snobbery so hilarious considering that premium and OTT are like... basically where the cool shit is happening in the entertainment industry. But yes Shailene honey, hold onto that retrograde idea that TV is not as good as cinema.

OK, so HRC had improperly marked emails on a server that was not the official State Department server, and people are all up in arms that maybe some classified information maybe COULD HAVE BEEN compromised (let’s pay no attention to the fact that the actual government servers on which her emails would normally be WERE

This is what I was thinking. Do you really want the school health services doing a rape kit? This should be done in a professional setting by a skilled technician. I would think too many things could go wrong, the most important being a fucked up chain of evidence.

This is the perfect response for how much it’s gonna burn her attention-seeking ass up.

So...she wanted the relationship to be more Loki.

I love horror/thriller movies. They are my favorite genre. But, like many women, I’ve been sexually assaulted. It’s hard to find a good horror movie that does not involve the sexual assault of a woman. I’m not sure why; it’s such a lazy ass trope that is used entirely too often.

She is a despicable human being. Fuck her. Oh, hey everyone!!! Today’s non Ann Coulter update (that worthless piece of shit): It’s 5:08 PM in Dubai and the Heat Index is currently 121 degrees, or as the rest of the world says, 50 Fahrenheit. You could easily roast Ann Coulter on a spit in this weather. Also, here’s a

But he is amazeballs. When I was in rehab, I met him. He and his son came to talk to us about their journeys getting clean. Such a down to earth guy and sat and ate pizza with us in a park, as one does.

I’m fairly certain they hired a team of writers for RR’s twitter to build hype for Deadpool, but now that’s run out so he’s trying to keep the magic alive alone.