
I cannot wait! So many of my loves in this film, I don’t know what to do with myself! Helena was also on set today.

The Recording Academy:

My biggest gripe is the music. It feels so stiff and forced. And it’s so overproduced. It’s a rock and roll show; it’s supposed to be gritty and raw and this sounds like a pop record.

Throwing Shade is hands down my favorite podcast. “A weekly podcast where we take a look at all the issues important to ladies and gays...and treat them with much less respect than they deserve.” Two comedians, both feminist and pro LGBT+ rights, and it’s balming to a soul that hears way too much awful related to

ATLANTA!! come jezzies, get on the Atlanta train!

Whitewalker King

Anyone who says Heidi Klum isn’t a 10 anymore is right—she’s an F, because she’s broken base-10 and moved us straight to hexidecimal

No. Listen, if this was a guy people would be calling for lengthy prison time, and rightfully so. Same thing for her. Unless she was delusional she knew children under 1 are not supposed to live on just fruit and nuts.

Will Eddie Murphy still be Mushu

Never forget.

I think it was just a joke.

ugh, these boys.

Why the fuck are they doing Weekend Update if they have no teeth to criticize people? JFC to compare Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton’s intelligence is such a fucking insult, and I’m pretty close to saying it’s just flat-out sexist. If Donald Trump were a woman people would call her a stupid bitch and dismiss her

The more I see of Trump, the more I think he is actually the worst person in America (non-murderer category). I would not buy a bagel from that man.


It’s so luxurious, you wouldn’t believe what people are saying about this stocking cap, I sent the best people to find my cap, they tell me this is the longest one anywhere, anywhere in the world you can’t find a better one than this, I was in China and other Asia and I see the stocking caps they have there, everyone

It’s a made up story/movie about children with superpowers who live on an island in a time loop, managed by a woman who turns into a bird and the thing you find unbelievable is that people of color existed in the UK in the 40's?! Oooooookay.....

ok, we will, but they’ll need a lot of water and attention to really thrive.