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    Try Nero.

    My ultimate fantasy is to be given a lot of money by anyone, really, and
    then (most importantly) set up in a luxurious home. I like dressing up nice—face,
    clothing, and all—and even going so far as to look through stacked refrigerators.
    My question is this: Is it moral to live out this fantasy? And where are you, kind

    A CLUB? Isn't a rod enough?

    The interesting part is where you insert the pie.

    Was that Sister Peggy of Charity, nee Hyman?

    If you fantasize about group sex so crowded that it doesn't actually work in real life, does that make you a danger to Siamese twins? Prooobably not.

    But buttsecks is so Magickal!

    In answer to your boss it livens up any workplace.

    This is a thread of awesomeness.