
1. Google Music can stream at 320kbs.

"By "initial reports," do you mean "the testimony of the killer"? Because he's the only one who called it self-defense."

"Because the media told me too?!..Haha..I'll give you 10 minutes to come up with something wittier."

How can you arrest someone where the initial reports indicated that this was self defense? If a police officer kills someone, he/she isn't arrested. They are suspended until a full investigation has been completed. This is no different. Zimmerman isn't going anywhere. He's far from off the hook.

Gets what he deserves? Are you F'ing serious? How about you let the police and the legal system do their job instead of calling for blood because the media told you to.

Personally, I've rarely ran into an app where I thought it could be dramatically improved if it was rebuilt specifically for a large screen. However, I think one of the major reasons why you see less tablet specific Android apps is that the Honeycomb and ICS emulator is downright terrible. Emulating pre-3.0 is bad

"2. many of the android users got their phones free on contract, and are often either a 12 year old, or somebody who really doesnt have any need for a phone."

They should just ban women drivers instead.

We expect something "magical" and new because at every Apple event, they tell us how magical their devices are. Remember, the invite for this years event was "We have something you really have to see. And touch."

"Why do they need to produce something "magical" every iteration."

"Come on... it's only $1 a day to do all sorts of stuff that you don't need to do immediately"

Are you talking about the Google Update Alliance? If so, it was just a pledge, not part of a contract. And the policy doesn't have to be in effect for 18 months. The point of the pledge was for companies to support their phones with timely updates for 18 months after the phone has been released...they haven't done

Running 2.3 on a device that has 256MB of RAM is a horrible experience. There's just not enough memory for the bigger OS footprint plus the more aggressive memory management in 2.3.

How do you do an update when there is none available.

"I'm with Google and their 18 month concept -they make OEM's sign contracts that they'll provide updates to new versions of Android that are released within 18 months of the launch date of that device."

And the Nexus One. I can understand the Nexus One not having it but the Nexus S not having it is just embarrassing. Google needs to get their shit together and figure out what the Nexus line is all about because right now, it's kind of a joke.

2.2 was the last update that was really solid for phones. 2.3 has some improvements but it was extremely aggressive in memory management and had a larger OS memory footprint. That played havoc with a lot of phones with low RAM. I'm sure a lot of carriers saw this and decided that not having your apps constantly be

"Last year it realized the fragmentation issue, and stated the policy that OEM's must keep phones up to date at least 18 months after the phone's release."

"Apple issues its iOS updates directly to all of its phones at the same time. Why can't Google and Microsoft follow its example?"