
You're right, you do need to know where to look for items on Sale. It's a good thing it's conveniently listed on the Sales page which is displayed on the home page =) Like Vid said, this isn't a Google or Bing search, the Amazon search bar is for products. And he's also correct in that the sale is listed right on

Dunno, it took me less then 15 seconds. Go to Amazon, click on Video Games, click on Video Game Deals.

Even if you ditched the custom skin, you're still going to be waiting almost as long for an update. The main problems are getting the hardware to work correctly and then a few months of testing. If the skin was the main problem, stable custom ROMs would be pushed out as soon as the AOSP drops but they aren't. Even

It's only somewhat ridiculous. When Google releases the AOSP, everybody is seeing that code for the first time. The only phone that has the head start are the Nexus phones since Google uses them to develop on. Once they get a hold of it, then they need to get it to work with their hardware. If Moto just spent 5

2.3 is brutal on the Droid. It just doesn't have the RAM for it.

But most people that find a lost phone aren't thieves.

Probably because they want you to use their shitty, ad filled, full site instead.

"Add room and board, and many of these folks "so exploited" by Apple are able to RETIRE(!) after working 7-10 years."

There you go CaptainJack, I guess you don't care enough about the highly refined industrial design of the iPhone. Either that or you aren't human. I think that's what ryan is getting at.

I have to assume that you didn't understand the article or else you're just crazy. It lasted 8+ hours while continuously web surfing on LTE. If that isn't enough for you, just stay at home and don't leave your PC.

The Razr was incredibly thin to begin with. This battery just makes it normal size.

For some unknown reason, you can't manage your DVD queue via the apps.

This is an additional 4 weeks. They were already delaying it for 4 weeks, so now we have to wait 8 weeks.

"Between handsets running the same base Android version, there's very little room for differentiation."

And when you make it available offline, it mangles the name so you can't just copy it from your phone.

Downloading your uploaded songs has never been allowed. Downloading purchased songs, however, has been. Now you'll be able to do both.

"and why cant I see what tablet apps are in the google market? you need to separate those google.."

If the Galaxy Tab 10.1 can be sued by Apple for looking like an iPad, the Asus Prime can certainly be sued by Apple for looking like the iPad.

"Waited for the Nexus, then it didn't turn out so great"

First off, check the battery stats to see what was using the battery. Then if it was that app, email the developer. You can't blame Android for a developers programming mistake.